View Full Version : Exporting Revit symbols to AutoCAD attributed blocks, is it possible??

2007-06-25, 05:18 AM
Does anyone know of a method or process to export annotation families with labels (such as: section heads, room tags, grid heads, etc.) so that they remain connected when exported to AutoCAD? Currently when we export to AutoCAD, the annotation symbol breaks into linework and text. Some of the linework becomes a block and the labels become text. We where hoping to run a macro that would preform a global block switch in AutoCAD but I can't get the attributes to fill in since it doesn't know that the text is part of the block. When we look at the properties of all of the individual parts there does not seem to be a common property that I could grab. I even looked for the ID that Revit assigns but couldn't find that in AutoCAD.

Unfortunately, our client requires drawings be delivered in AutoCAD and has a very stringent set of CAD standards for accepting drawings. Since we are working in Revit and exporting to AutoCAD we are trying to minimize the amount of cleanup that we need to complete once the drawings are completed.

2012-06-20, 04:58 AM
I am also investigating exporting to attributed blocks.
Have you found a solution?
We are looking into developing a lisp routine that would grab the text from the tags and create a .csv file, strip out the exploded tags from the CAD file, replace them with attributed blocks at the same insertion point and populate the blocks with the text from the .csv file. All of this would have to happen after the export, in the CAD file.
Let's share.
We are also trying to find a way to export leaders to in-tact CAD leaders.
Currently, Revit exports to exploded leaders with disjointed members.
Please feel free to write.

2014-02-20, 05:32 PM
Anymore word on this? We have run into the same situation with racks in our receiving area. The racks have labels associated with them in Revit but after the export to CAD, they are text boxes that won't move with the rest of the rack block.

2014-02-21, 02:51 PM
grab the text from the tags and create a .csv file, strip out the exploded tags from the CAD file, replace them with attributed blocks at the same insertion point and populate the blocks with the text from the .csv file.

I've already done that in Acad using VBA.

I inherited a massive project with 3,000+ sheets - no exaggeration, it was a campus with 20 buildings in the Middle East. A junior had spent a year creating all the sheets, and used plain text in all the title blocks. I read each sheet, grabbed the value of each text in each box of the title (sheet number, scale, date, drawn by etc.) then inserted a block with attributes, and programmatically edited the attributes to match the retrieved values. Each retrieved text value is stored in a string variable while the sheet is being processed, so there is no need to make an external text file. At the end, the program starts up Excel and inserts the title info, creating an automatic drawing list.

With the title info as an attributed block, I was able to write an extraction program that grabs the sheet info and the revision history and writes it to Word, for inclusion in the specs. Our tech department was big on putting the drawing list in the specs. The advantage of this is that the program can be run as often as wanted and the drawing list is always up to date. The program was 20 pages of code. After the program ran, nobody noticed any difference of appearance in the sheets. Except of course, there was an attributed block where there was once dumb text.

Of course, Revit does this right out of the box......