View Full Version : Problem with Exporting to ACAD: Elements move to different area

2007-06-26, 05:34 AM
I have noticed one main issue we are having regarding exporting to AutoCAD with Revit 2008 (perhaps it happened in 9.1 too, but I cannot recall). I have noticed that in a few instances, one or two families move from there original spot to some where out in space. I have noticed that specifically happening to one unit's wall based toilet. all the other toilet's stay in there place, but this one moves. has this happened to anyone else? and if so, what would cause this? and what should i do to try to avoid this?

2007-06-26, 02:14 PM
This is a problem that has been known and documented many times. It usually happens when you have a file with xrefs. Revit, in translating files, gives many of the blocks that it creates the same name, but with different insertion points. Or something like that. The trick is to not have xrefs or to explode all the blocks. I generally stay away from xrefs.