View Full Version : Existing PT cable modeling

2007-06-26, 06:22 PM
I posted this in the Revit Structures forum also, but it being an Architectural need, I thought I would post her also, in the hope that someone has had to deal with this and has a good answer.


We are working on an existing post tensioned and cantilevered structure, where we will be cutting holes in the slab, and thus need to know where the PT cables in the existing slab are. We had a (sonar?) survey done, and we have a spreadsheet from the consulting engineers showing location and depth of each cable as it crosses the grid lines. The thought is to model each cable as a 4" diameter sweep along a spline that goes thru the points. The 4" diameter then allows us to do an interference check and know we have not left a cable within 4" of the slab surface.
My question is, what is the best way to model this? Can I do a spine to define the beam, and dimension it at each grid line? Is there a tool that would convert the spread sheet data to DWG so I could just import and pick? Is there a better Revit Structure object type than a beam?


2007-06-26, 07:40 PM
I... Is there a tool that would convert the spread sheet data to DWG so I could just import and pick? ....Certainly reading in comma-delimited data and doing something with it is a pretty easy programming job in AutoCAD. Some of the AutoLISP functions I've published may help: http://truevis.com/cad/autolisp.html