View Full Version : Vicinity Map - Need help getting it in Revit

2007-06-28, 05:33 AM
I need to bring a vicinity map into my site plan. I have tried to send it to email, all I received is link to the map. I also have tried saving it. I know I have accomplished this in the past yet tonight I am baffled. Of course I can find the necessary maps from several sources but to import it to my site no.

2007-06-28, 05:44 AM
Can you save the map as an image? Should be able to import it then... right click over images in IE usually over the option to save as image. Otherwise image capture software might get you there too.

2007-06-28, 05:44 AM

We need more information to help you out. Where are you grabbing the vicinity map? Mapquest? Google Earth? Please advise.

2007-06-28, 01:30 PM
You could simply use the Print Screen button and paste it to a document. If you have PowerPoint, you can paste it on a slide and then right click on the image and you'll have the option to save as jpg. If the website allows saving right away, that's the way to go. If the resolution is low, I would import it in a generic annotation family and re-create it with lines and text (the CAD way!).

2007-06-28, 04:05 PM
Get Snagit or something that creates PNG files to import. Works perfect and file size is very good.