View Full Version : Sloping Site Pad - Clarification

2007-06-28, 06:36 PM
I am aware that you cannot create a sloping site pad. I have read several posts on the subject and am still a little unclear on how to acheive what I'm looking for.

My project is a small home. We are putting an addition on it. We have drawn up the existing site plan in cad and created a new topo surface from that file in Revit. The one thing that was not in the file was a building pad. The home is simply rectangular, with a small jog or two, pretty simple. I am in an existing view, and want to add a building pad for the existing part of the home. (We haven't got to the new part yet). The elevation from one side to the other is a diff. of approx. 5'. So I want my pad, under the home, to go from -2' or so to -7' roughly. Obviously I can't do this with the site tool. So what would I use for a workaround? I've read that people are doing something with floors in combination with the site pad tool, but am unclear on what, since non of these seemed to go into great detail or apply to what I am trying to do here.

I will have to do this once again for the new addition once there. I am adding this existing site pad, or trying to, in the existing phase. I then plan to create a graded region in new construction for all of my site work outside the footprint. So I think I'm on track or doing it correctly so far, but this pad thing is throwing me for a loop. Any help would be much appreciated.


Dean Camlin
2007-06-28, 10:48 PM
From your description, Josh, I still don't understand why you need the pad to be sloping. But I would think you could model it using the proper point elevations at the corners of the "pad" as part of your topo surface: same as any other sloping surface on the site, just more uniform.

2007-06-29, 11:57 AM

I am confused by your statement.... "I am aware that you cannot create a sloping site pad. I have read several posts on the subject and am still a little unclear on how to achieve what I'm looking for."

If you are using 2008 simply create a slab from the Structural Tab > Slab. You need to create it flat first so don't do anything vertically yet.

Once you have your slab created and you are out of sketch mode, click back on your slab to highlight it. Once you have the slab highlighted then look at your options bar. You will see some new tools that will allow you to place elevation points on the slab to raise or lower the slab at that point.

If you are on an older version of Revit then you can create a slab from the Structural Tab > Slab. Sketch out your extents of the slab as normal. Notice that while you are in sketch mode you also have a command called "slope arrow". Use this command to place a slope arrow which you can define by a slope or by a head and tail elevation of the arrow.

Am I not understanding what you are asking?


2007-06-29, 01:34 PM

I am confused by your statement.... "I am aware that you cannot create a sloping site pad. I have read several posts on the subject and am still a little unclear on how to achieve what I'm looking for."

If you are using 2008 simply create a slab from the Structural Tab > Slab. You need to create it flat first so don't do anything vertically yet.
Building pads and slabs are separate elements.

2007-06-29, 01:49 PM
Ah yes, the vail has lifted. Thanks for the clarification.

I'm still in the dangerous mode of how to cheat Revit to model geometry (notice I didn't say "object") the way you want it. I have come a long way though....I no longer use the "create mass" tool to make a mansard roof. A pretty basic misunderstanding of the tool and Revit in general but seemed like a good idea at the time.

2007-06-29, 02:55 PM
Thanks a lot guys. I was going to do what Dean mentioned, just do it with the topograhpy points, I just thought that maybe people were using a work-around with another tool or a combonation of tools.
