View Full Version : plan region vs. color fill / print and dwg export.

2007-06-30, 09:57 AM
I have serious problem printing / dwg exporting color fill of floor plan with plan region. On display everything is ok. On preview and print as well the color fills are corrupted as well as after DWG export.

Did anyone encountered similar issues? I've contacted autodesk, they adviced me to use raster print option, but it had no effect, neither it solves the dwg export fill failure. Then i wasn't able to get any other response from factory on this.

Hope I'm not doing something wrong, but plan regions seem to me quite "buggy" - on similar note:


problem, I was finally able to solve only by moving the borders of plan region out of walls touching the staircase, but it really isn't very stable - today my parking lots disappeared from the plan regioned level, and appeared only after deleting the plan region and recreating in on same place once more with same settings (this all near project dead-line :-), furthermore sometimes you just need to have the plan region on the wall or near the wall boundary)

Is this known behavior and everybody uses some other more reliable aproach for multiple levels on one displayed "floor"?

Thanks for any tip.
Regards Frantisek Stafek.

attached are pdf of print, and printscreen before...