View Full Version : Rotate plan views + associate a section with a level?

Dave F.
2007-06-30, 12:41 PM

I've started a new multi-storey project & have so far just the grids & dimensions drawn in one plan.

I've rotated the Crop Region of the plan so that the grids appear orthogonal to the screen.
If I create another level by using the Level command when viewing a section, the associated plan appears in its original orientation.

To overcome this I tried copying the plan using Duplicate with Detailing, But I'm confused how to now create a level in the section that's associated with the plan. (Hope I'm making this clear enough!).

Is there a way to do this or is there an easy way to get all new plans to be initailly created to the orientation I require?

Thanks for any help
Dave F.

2007-06-30, 02:55 PM
First, why aren't your grids drawn orthagonal to start with. In revit you allways want to draw your building how you want it on the sheet, then the site gets rotated to match the building orientation and true north is set.

So the only way to get your views to all be rotated is to remember teh angle you rotated the crop and do that on every view. you will quickly see why this isn't the way to work in revit.

Dave F.
2007-06-30, 03:53 PM
First, why aren't your grids drawn orthagonal to start with. In revit you allways want to draw your building how you want it on the sheet, then the site gets rotated to match the building orientation and true north is set.

OK. I'm not 100% about this. Does doing it your way allow the Easting/Northing of the site plan to be set?
I thought I had to link the site plan in it's original orientation, acquire shared co-ordinates & then rotate the crop region to make the plan orthoganal. Be aware I need to export the plans back to CAD with them rotated at the original site angle.

Your help is appreciated.

So the only way to get your views to all be rotated is to remember teh angle you rotated the crop and do that on every view. you will quickly see why this isn't the way to work in revit.

Jay Zallan
2007-06-30, 08:38 PM
In RVT we draw in the relational view of what we want our plans to look like on sheets -this is our project north.

We then create duplicate views as & if needed, set them to true north in the View Properties then we use Tools/Project Position-Orientation/Rotate True North (then rotate the true north in the plan).

After this we have the flexibility to view in RVT's Project North and/or True North. Also of note. when we rotate true north and set shared coordinates we need to export using those Shared Coordinates, not the 'Project Internal'

Take a look at Troy Gates' Blog (http://revitcoaster.blogspot.com/). He explains setting coord's in RVT to ACAD coord's to export into the correct spot (in ACAD).


Fear & Loathing in a CAD-Vs-BIM World (http://cad-vs-bim.blogspot.com/)