View Full Version : Interesting Wall Situation

Clyne Curtis
2004-07-29, 10:04 PM
If you look at the attached image, I have a client who would like all the wall material between the columns and going up to the underside of the roof ridge to be board and batt siding. Currently it is a compound wall with a log sweep, and I am not quite sure of the best way to handle this. My first thought would be to depict the B&B siding as a filled region in the elevation and leave it at that. Any other ideas?



Tom Dorner
2004-07-29, 11:38 PM
Have you explored using the "split face" tool?

This allows you to split a region of the face of a wall and paint a different material onto it.


Roger Evans
2004-07-30, 01:34 AM
Can't you persuade the client to accept it as is? It's nicely done & I think blanking would spoil it. The most I would like to do would be to blank off the apex "internally" on the wall line. If you put external lights in, the structure would shine through ~ quick close up night shot of the area maybe to tempt the client?

Wes Macaulay
2004-07-30, 03:26 PM
Clyne, is the log sweep integral to the wall style? If it is, you can't break the sweep into pieces.

I would get rid of the integrated sweep, and create a wall sweep you add manually. Bring the log sweeps in from each side and terminate them so there's a break in the center where the shingle pattern goes up under the entrance roof.