2007-07-02, 08:28 PM
I have a log home project where the existing home is full logs and my addition will be wood framed walls with log siding. My new walls are made up of a 6" wood core, a layer of sheathing, then I've embedded log siding sweeps into the wall assembly.

I have added windows and doors to the new walls, most of which have worked as expected. But one wall inparticular where I have tried to add a door will not cut an opening in the wall. Funny thing is I have windows in this wall and the opening cuts just fine. But I simply cannot get the opening to cut for just a single panel door. I've tried all kinds of different families with the same result. The opposing wall on the other side of the building does not have this problem however. I place the same instance of door in that wall and it takes the opening. I have moved the door around in the problem wall, re-hosted, everything I can think of and it still will not cut an opening.

Click Here (ftp://trimco.kicks-***.org/) for access to a sample problem file illustrating my issue. (the address does not display properly because AUGI edits certain words. You may have to manually type the address in the address bar after your first attempt of accessing it. The 3 stars that AUGI replaces the letters with in the address should actually say a$$, with s's instead of dollar signs of course. So just replace the word that augi edited and everything should work fine. Any troubles accessing, just post. That was my IT guys idea of a cool address. Sorry.)
username: augi
password: augi

Any ideas?


Henry D
2007-07-02, 09:14 PM
Try moving the door up about half an inch and see if that works. I find that when doors don't cut into sweeps, if I move them up a bit they will cut the sweep.

2007-07-02, 10:09 PM
Hey Henry,

Thanks for the suggestion. I tried that before posting the file and it still would not cut. I've tried raising a half and 1 foot and a half, but still not working? I have no idea.


2007-07-02, 10:45 PM
I added a few walls on level two in the project. It is one wall length made of two walls spit in the middle. I do this to attach it to my roof, if I don't do it this way, only one side of the wall attaches. A little bug that comes every now and again. Problem is I have a window in the middle, normally it works fine, but with these sweeps, it is only cutting one of the walls.?


Gadget Man
2007-07-03, 06:10 AM
Now, that will be a veeeeeeery silly question, buy it happened before, you know...

Are there, by any chance, two (or more) identical walls at the same position (by mistake of course)? I have seen it happened many times and it is funny, until it actually happens to you... :Oops::banghead:

2007-07-04, 02:49 PM
Are there, by any chance, two (or more) identical walls at the same position (by mistake of course)? I have seen it happened many times and it is funny, until it actually happens to you...
We'll start off by saying....:banghead: .....:rolleyes: . You were right on. I actually figured this out before you posted and it was by total accident. I was chaning the size of one of the doors and noticed when I was done there were two of them, so I started deleting things and sure enough, there were two walls. I have no idea how I did that, but I had a laugh and moved on. Just glad to have figured it out. I thought it had something to do with my new log wall and was pulling my teeth out!

Thanks guys!!


2007-07-04, 07:17 PM
Hey Josh. Can you post a view of what you are doing. I will start, in the next 3 weeks, a whole project with log houses as well as a hotel. I want to see what it looks like.

clog boy
2007-07-05, 07:07 AM
was pulling my teeth out!

Now THAT I'd like to see!
About the door not cutting a wall, how will it act when you remove the sweeps? Will it give any errors when you click it, and select another wall type from the family selector? Try placing the wall again, then the intended door, see if that works and then place the windows and sweeps.

2007-07-08, 11:38 PM
Hey Josh. Can you post a view of what you are doing.
This is what we have so far. It's an addition to an existing log structure. It works, but I'm not particularly impressed with how you have to deal with log walls in Revit. I don't like how the sweeps resolve themsleves at the tops of the walls and when they attach to a roof etc. But it works for now and we got through it. Not to incredibly difficult.

Hope this helps.


2007-07-09, 12:07 PM
Make sure to fill the pool with water!

2007-07-09, 12:35 PM
Nice job Josh. It looks like what I'll have to do (they all look like it anyway). What did you do for the corners?

2007-07-09, 01:45 PM
Well, the existing house was a true log wall (D-Log), so I just created a wall with a six inch core, then embedded a ton of sweeps using a profile of the log into the wall. When you do this, the sweeps that are embedded have draggable ends when the wall is selected. In elevation, I dragged each end out. Pretty time consuming, but you get the desired affect. Not to bad. The other walls on the new portion of the house are wood framed with log siding and wood corner trim. I still used the embedded sweep method for that wall also, it's just placed on one side over the substrate. These walls do make everything perform much slower than normal though. So if it can be done by just using a nice hatch pattern on the wall and you're ok with that, I would at least consider it. There are some good posts about these types of buildings so I'd check those out for sure if you haven't already.


2007-07-09, 01:47 PM
Make sure to fill the pool with water!

Ha Ha!! I know! Somebody is going to jump in that thing in this heat and really hurt themselves! Silly me.

2007-07-10, 11:42 AM
Thanks for the advice. I'll try to find those threads.