View Full Version : Damaged file

clog boy
2007-07-03, 06:31 AM
Hi guys, I'm stuck with a damaged file. Changing the backup file to the point where I saved it yesterday would be an hour of work at the most, but would it be possible to recover the damaged file?
I got two errors, both of them are attached. It's just one corrupt item in the drawing, revit asks me to save as a recovery file and then prompts saving a recovery file is not necessary.

Any ideas?

EDIT: the error might be caused by a linked .png image which I placed directly on a sheet, but this is just a wild guess.

clog boy
2007-07-03, 12:01 PM
Oops he did it again! I'm at the point of cursing. I can only hope the backup file is OK, so I can re-do ten minutes of work. Still sucks tho, only slightly worse than a two dollar whore.

Re-edited: the backup file works for some reason. It only needs to be edited at minor points, but I really start to think the linked .png image is at fault.