View Full Version : Simple non complex keyed notes

2007-07-03, 07:26 AM
Using Revit 9.1. How do I add a simple non-complicated keyed note that isn't "condoc" oriented and attached to a huge list of speciifcations. Not a 7240.A.2 and a leader, but a hexagon with a simple number 7 or some other number in an attributed block, not connected to a database. At least you could do that it ADT...
ALthough I wouldn't mind intelligent keyed notes that when added to other sheets if say the 2 or 6 isn't used the numbers update, but not picky about that. Just would want a list of notes and a simple hexagon with a number. Can't find this in help or my manuals?
I understand the value here of automation, but I just want to simply draft a basic hexagon keyed note without all the complexity you might find in ADT or the quirkiness of Revit? Any suggestions? Basic Autocad could do that, without spending hours figuring out how to do it.
Peter Lagomarsino RA

2007-07-03, 10:36 AM
Using Revit 9.1. How do I add a simple non-complicated keyed note that isn't "condoc" oriented and attached to a huge list of speciifcations. Not a 7240.A.2 and a leader, but a hexagon with a simple number 7 or some other number in an attributed block, not connected to a database. At least you could do that it ADT...
ALthough I wouldn't mind intelligent keyed notes that when added to other sheets if say the 2 or 6 isn't used the numbers update, but not picky about that. Just would want a list of notes and a simple hexagon with a number. Can't find this in help or my manuals?
I understand the value here of automation, but I just want to simply draft a basic hexagon keyed note without all the complexity you might find in ADT or the quirkiness of Revit? Any suggestions? Basic Autocad could do that, without spending hours figuring out how to do it.
Peter Lagomarsino RA
You want to manually type the note number and then manually type the keynote list?
If so, just make a symbol with a label for the keynote. Then just type the list in a legend view.

2007-07-03, 07:36 PM
while there are ways to do this with the existing keynote functionality:
A) Add your keynotes list to the keynotes text file (I add all my notes at the beginning of the text file so I can copy and paste when they finally go to masterspec '04)
B) Check you settings >keynotes, set the keynote to "by sheet" there will not be a number in the keynote symbol until you drag the plan view (or elevation or whathaveyou you are keynoting onto a sheet, then it will number them sequentially1,2,3 etc.
C) to get a hex, just pick one of the rectangular keynotes, click Edit family on the options bar, delete the rectangle, make a hexagon, load into project.

go back to the pre 8.0 (?) days and make a generic annotation that has two labels one for a key, the other for a note, both TYPE parameters, include the hexagon, load into project. for each note, duplicate the TYPE and create a new TYPE with a unique key and note. Use the View>New> Note block, create a schedule of the symbols you have added

2007-07-13, 08:46 AM
We have 8 but haven't installed it in our Dublin Ireland Office. I am visiting here from the Dallas TX office ...I got the keyed notes to work really well, but the silly leader has a mind of its own.
It points to the edge of the object or to the centroid of the object which may not even be on the object. I also figured out that repeating elements are nested and cant be keyed noted, and the individual element must be inserted on top of the repeating element in order for the automated noting to identify a material. This makes for really time consuming detailing. I can do this much quicker in ADT. And its quirky, as sometime I can get user to work and not material, or element and not user? Is there any rationale to the way this is setup at all?
It seems very poorly programed. ADT is a hell of a lot easier and rationale.
OK off the soap box-
How do I move the leader end. some of the leaders have nodes to edit. the user or element ones are stuck. This allows little control for how to manage where the not goes.
Any thoughts??
Peter Lagomarsino RA

2007-10-01, 04:54 PM
did you figure it out?

2008-02-07, 10:10 PM
I know this post was from a while ago, but it sounds to me like you'd be happier with a note block. We've created a simple symbol, which has either the spec section and then text or a circle with a number in it and then text, which you can easily add to the sheet and point to where you'd like. You can then create a noteblock schedule which allows you to see every note in the drawing set (don't show every instance) and you can easily coordinate or make changes from the schedule. It also allows you to choose your text from a drop down list if you typically use the same 'key' notes.