View Full Version : Truss maker

2007-07-03, 08:13 AM
Another significant modeling enhancement in Revit Structure 4 is a new TrussWizard tool, created as an add-on application using the Revit API and available to subscription customers only. It provides a convenient short-cut to the typically laborious process of modeling a truss, allowing users to easily create trusses using industry-standard truss profiles as templates. You model a beam, select it, and then launch the TrussWizard application, where you can specify the type of truss and define the number of panels, peak locations, truss heights, as well as the member sizes for the different parts of the truss (see Figure 2). A preview window allows you to easily experiment with several truss configurations before inserting the desired truss into the model. The TrussWizard replaces the original beam with the newly designed truss, giving you also the choice of aligning either the top chord or the bottom chord of the truss with the location of the original beam.

Will we have this in Revit Arch.?

clog boy
2007-07-03, 08:21 AM
I want to have that as a window editor.

Sorry... was that my OUTSIDE keyboard kung-fu? ;) I want to see major construction companies use that wizard before I think wizards are the solution to all typical laborous tasks (particularly doors and windows). But it would be nice to have Autodesk implement that functionality, even if it is only available through subscription right now. Heck, I'd want to pay extra for a similar Revit DeLuxe!

2007-07-09, 07:59 AM
Another significant modeling enhancement in Revit Structure 4.....
Don't you mean 2008?

2007-07-09, 10:54 AM
We have subscription for RS but i cant find that, where is it ?

Thomas Maleski
2007-07-09, 11:09 AM
In RSt4 it was an extention and RSt2008 it's part of the product

2007-07-10, 07:58 AM
I use Revit Architecture 2008. That Truss Maker sounds just what I'm looking forr. Is it availabe for RAC? In a more general sense are the features of the various Revit packages interchangable with one another?

2007-07-10, 09:40 AM
The three revit products are essectially the same package, they just have several features enabled / disabled that makes them into the architecture, systems and structural programs.

Features do slowly make their way from one package to the next - particularly from the the structural to architectural - but there are a host of neat tools that just aren't available to Revit Architecture users. You woudl have to buy the entire structural program just to access the extra tools. Pity...

2007-07-10, 10:04 AM
Thanks Mike,

And no way to 'enable' a particular feature? Perhaps one for the wish list - a basic Revit with the ability to pick & mix.

2007-07-10, 02:13 PM
I wish someone from Autodesk would explain to us RA users why they think we don't need a truss maker. If there is a good reason I would like to hear it. It would be nice to have a product manager who didn't avoid their customers. Does RA even have a product manager?

2007-07-12, 07:40 AM
I hear it still needs some work anyway.

2007-07-12, 07:43 AM
I hear it still needs some work anyway.Since when has that stopped software manufacturers selling their products.

2007-07-12, 08:02 AM
It is actually a sales ploy.

Mr Spot
2007-07-12, 09:20 AM
The typical response from Autodesk is that

"each tool must be optimised for the appropriate discipline as each discipline tends to have a different workflow, so rather than just dump the same tool in Architecture they take two more release cycles and then bring into Architecture better suited to Architects"

Well atleast that's what they say. I tend to find they remove functionality from the tool, then bring into architecture so we still need to use Revit Structure to achieve what we want. Ala all the structural beams that are so difficult to control their joins.

2007-07-12, 09:46 AM
Thufferin thuccotash - I understood exactly what they mean geniuth that I am.

Sorry about that - my alter ego tends to take over from time to time. We need to keep in mind that despite the undoubted fine products Autodesk produce, they are still primarily a commercial entity with the need to make continuiing profits for their shareholders. If they didn't the shareholders would move on and we loose a very useful tool.

Anyway, thats my last word on the subject - until we get Truss Maker in RAC.

2007-07-12, 02:02 PM
One might ask of Autodesk why Revit Architecture has become the poor cousin when it comes to developing new features. I would have thought that based on the installed base it would make more sense to create a truss wizard for RA, then port it to Structure later.

2007-07-12, 06:20 PM
Why would you think that the Truss Maker would be more beneficial to RA than RS? That makes no sense. Now that I've got that out, I'm not saying that RA wouldn't benefit from it, just that I understand why it's in RS.

Besides the point. It absolutely sucks. We're very disappointed with the truss wizard/maker.

No offense, that's just my two-bits!