View Full Version : Color fill legend on multiple sheets

2007-07-05, 03:49 PM
For this project I'm still using Revit 9.1.

I have a building with a floor plan big enough to require 11 areas per level in order to print at 1/8"=1'-0". With some "areas" having multiple floors and others not I have a total of 37 areas, so for each type of plan I have 37 sheets.

I need to graphically show the owner the floor finishes that are being applied to each room. I don't want to show materials per se, I just want to color a room green that has carpet, red that has rubber, blue that has concrete, etc. I've assigned the appropriate materials in each room object and have a custom tag that lists the floor finish. I can duplicate each finish plan view (so I don't screw up anything I've already done for Construction Documents) and apply a color fill. I've created a color fill legend that colors by floor finish. In order to display only the appropriate extents of each area I've used crop regions. If the color fill legend is not inside the crop region, the legend does not display, but the colors in the rooms do display. If I make the crop region big enough for the legend to fit, too much of the building is displayed for that area view and in many cases the color fill legend would have to be placed on top of the floor plan. So I created a plan view that only has the color legend displayed and tried to drop it on to multiple sheets, but Revit doesn't let me.

What I want is for the color fill legend to act like other legends so I can drop it on to multiple sheets. Is there a way to do this, or will I have to duplicate the legend-only floor plan view 37 times? Any other ideas?


2007-07-05, 08:54 PM
Why can't you just create an actual legend that has all the colors called out. The legend will have colors that don't pertain to that particular view maybe, but it will save you from having to do it multiple times. Or maybe I'm not understanding correctly?

I attached a screen capture of our default color legend...

Scott D Davis
2007-07-05, 08:57 PM
For this project I'm still using Revit 9.1.
no possible way to upgrade to RAC 2008? This has been solved in the new version because legends are a property of the view, and thus can be applied to any view, then set to only show the information in the color fill legend that pertains to that specific view.

2007-07-05, 09:16 PM
I'd like the legend to be parametric so that if I change a color in the "color fill legend" it will also change it in my legend, and for that matter if I add a material, it gets added to my legend. There are some things that are sort of parametric in legends, but I can't figure out how to make this parametric. If this is possible, great, but I haven't figured it out. I know that in a legend I can draw a filled region and assign a color to it, then place a piece of text next to the filled region. I'd rather not do that manually, I want my legend to be the "color fill legend" if at all possible.

We're afraid to upgrade this project at this point ... too late in the game, too many sections and callouts already placed and detailed. All new projects are being started in RA08. Wish we hadn't been so far along when RA08 came out ... dependent views would have saved us hundreds of hours!!!

If I were to move this into RA08, would my crop regions still make the color fill legend disappear if the legend wasn't within the crop region?


Scott D Davis
2007-07-05, 09:31 PM
I'd like the legend to be parametric so that if I change a color in the "color fill legend" it will also change it in my legend, and for that matter if I add a material, it gets added to my legend. There are some things that are sort of parametric in legends, but I can't figure out how to make this parametric. If this is possible, great, but I haven't figured it out. I know that in a legend I can draw a filled region and assign a color to it, then place a piece of text next to the filled region. I'd rather not do that manually, I want my legend to be the "color fill legend" if at all possible.

We're afraid to upgrade this project at this point ... too late in the game, too many sections and callouts already placed and detailed. All new projects are being started in RA08. Wish we hadn't been so far along when RA08 came out ... dependent views would have saved us hundreds of hours!!!

If I were to move this into RA08, would my crop regions still make the color fill legend disappear if the legend wasn't within the crop region?

Legend Views and Color Fill Legends are 2 different things. Color Fill Legends are a special legend that is created automatically with color fill plans, and will update as colors change or room names or room numbers or whatever your legend criteria is, get added/changed/removed, etc. (re-reading your post, I think you understand that, just wanted to be clear).

Don't be afraid to upgrade....run a test. Copy your project to a local machine, and upgrade it. Look through the set, and see if everything looks as expected. If it looks good, then upgrade the "real" project.

There were some issues in the first builds, that have now been corrected. One new feature is with crop regions, as there are now an "annotation" crop and a "model" crop. If your legend isn't displayed, just adjust the annotation crop, without affecting the model crop, and then your color fill legends will appear.