View Full Version : Lines of massing appearing

2007-07-05, 10:40 PM
I have massing model as part of main model. For some reason, suddenly, massing lines are appearing through the massing, even in hidden line or shaded mode. In other words, when looking at the back of the model, I am seeing some lines from the front of the model. This was not the case prior to today when I started playing with creating walls by face for the massing in question. They even show up on prints.

Does anybody have a thought on the cause of this?

2007-07-06, 12:15 AM
Can you post a screen shot so we can all take a look at what is going on with your model?

2007-07-06, 02:39 PM
Here is image. The lines indicated were not there before yesterday. Then: I started fussing with selecting faces of the mass to convert to walls. I selected, converted, disliked result; undid, and did a second, third, maybe fourth time. I was playing with different custom sized generic walls. I erased and reselected, etc....I even closed without saving and did this in a second session. It was after that I noticed these lines showing up. They are definitely part of the mass, as when I turn visibility off they do not show.

2007-07-06, 05:09 PM
Hmm..It looks like a little bit of a ghost image. Sometimes this has been known to occur when the project is located too far away from the origin (0,0) point. I have also seen this show up when people are not working on the same version build. Perhaps one of the other super gurus here can give us some additional input.
Sorry I could not be more helpful.

2007-07-06, 05:14 PM
ooooo...spookey. I hope they magically disappear, too! thanks. I will keep searching for something to do.

I've done some snooping into older files, and those lines appear in those as well. hmmm.....it's a mystery.

I deleted my 3d view and generated a new one, and the lines do not appear in it. So, like many things Revit, I don't know why, but the problem is no longer.