View Full Version : Curtain Wall as Glass Block

2007-07-06, 11:48 PM
I have made a curtain wall system with a nice 2.5"X.5" frame, and 2" thick glass as the panel, and mullion spacing of 4" and 4", but no interior mullions defined. The result is a very nice glass block that looks good in section as well, just needing a repeating detail component for details. However, performance seems to be pretty bad, but mostly just when I try to manipulate the the curtain wall. This will be used in a relatively small and simple project, but there will be 10 or more uses of the curtain panel, and all will include some funky wall profile editing to get L shapes and T shapes and such.

Anyone done something like this before? Or just done something with a huge number of mullion lines with no mullions? Did it cause you trouble, or work ok?


2007-07-07, 12:34 AM
I think this goes in the category of is it really worth modeling? I would probably use a wall type but simply use a hatch pattern for elevations and a glass/block section hatch pattern for cut. You can still assign a bitmap for the block in accurender.