View Full Version : Problems witn thru north

2004-07-31, 04:27 AM
I have created a site plans base on the bearings in a survey information. the results where lines that do not look horizontals or verticals omn the scren, so change the project north to match the project north and then rotate the true north so the lines look horizontal in my screen (at least one of the sides) The problem start then I draw a reference plane and try to dimension it.Revit wont allow me to dimmension sayin that the line are not parallel what should i do? should I rotate the whole thing instead of playing with thru north. please help!

2004-07-31, 08:34 AM
Having completed the site plan, select all the boundaries and then the rotate tool which will appear in the center or thereabouts. Pick that icon and move it to a corner of the site that you wish to rotate to a vertical / horizontal postion on the monitor. Select the first ray of rotation as that boundary line ( the pivot point for the rotation is the corner you just selected ), move the cursor to the approximate horizontal or vertical position and Revit will give you a snap. The whole site rotates to that screen orientation.

Don't mess with True North, you can define its location relative to the site now. That means you can always re-orientate a view to true North when you wish.