View Full Version : Decals

Allen Lacy
2003-07-09, 12:53 PM
I am using decals for some exterior signage and don't want to see the empty box when it comes time to print CD's. I can't find a way to turn visibility off. Am I missing something?

2003-07-09, 03:11 PM
Don't ask me why, but decals fall under "generic models". In the visibility dialog, turn off generic models under the Model tab.

Allen Lacy
2003-07-09, 03:40 PM
That's what I thought. Problem is, my sign family is a generic model too.

2003-07-09, 04:22 PM
Create a new sub category under generic model for your decal.

2003-07-09, 04:31 PM
Thanks for answering a Q I had been labouring with


Allen Lacy
2003-07-09, 05:21 PM
Thanks Joe. I had figured it out, but hadn't posted my findings.