View Full Version : Formulas with Text...

2007-07-10, 10:57 PM
This relates specifically to Structural but is a general Family Parameter question.

I want to display the camber of my beams like "(C=1/2")" with the " before and after removed. The parameter value would be stored as 1/2" so I'd like to add "(C=" before and ")" after. Can I do that with a formula?

2007-07-10, 10:59 PM
We can't concatenate parameters but you can create a tag family that has a piece of text in front of the label itself.

2007-07-10, 11:14 PM
So it would go TEXT PARAMETER TEXT in the family?

The spacing between the parameter and text would/could be weird.

For example (C=1/2") is a lot shorter then (C=2 3/4") what you would end up would look like (C=1/2"....). Is that correct? (the periods are there to create the blank space)

2007-07-10, 11:28 PM
Are you using the Camber Size parameter associated with framing? You could just enter the value (C=2-3/4") directly in the field? Will that work?

2007-07-10, 11:30 PM
Are you using the Camber Size parameter associated with framing? You could just enter the value (C=2-3/4") directly in the field? Will that work?

I'm looking into that, my only concern is how the analysis software deals with it. If there was a "strcat" (lisp) function I could do this with a function.

2007-07-10, 11:42 PM
...how the analysis software deals with it...I'd be interested to know if it does as well. The parameter is a "text" datatype and it doesn't seem likely that analysis software will pay any attention to it as such since it won't be able to evaluate what it finds if it is text? The software would have to evaluate the entire string to find "numbers" first. So if it is a documentation issue only entering the text and format you want will "work". If it factors in analysis could you live without the parenthesis surrounding the C=value? If so the justification of the label and text could be adjust to keep them looking okay. If there was a prefix/suffix option for the parameter that would help a little. Concatenation of parameters has been on our wishlist for awhile now, hopefully they are "fixin to do it".

2007-07-10, 11:49 PM
I'd be interested to know if it does as well. The parameter is a "text" datatype and it doesn't seem likely that analysis software will pay any attention to it as such since it won't be able to evaluate what it finds if it is text? The software would have to evaluate the entire string to find "numbers" first. So if it is a documentation issue only entering the text and format you want will "work". If it factors in analysis could you live without the parenthesis surrounding the C=value? If so the justification of the label and text could be adjust to keep them looking okay. If there was a prefix/suffix option for the parameter that would help a little. Concatenation of parameters has been on our wishlist for awhile now, hopefully they are "fixin to do it".

Thanks as always. You're great. Have a good day.