View Full Version : Stair Plane Cut Level

2004-08-01, 03:06 PM
Can the stair plane cut level be different from the plan plane cut level. If so , how?

2004-08-01, 04:58 PM

2004-08-02, 07:18 PM
Whoa! Someone help out of the deep end. Where and how PANE REGION.

2004-08-02, 07:30 PM
Sorry, a bit brief...before

Do a search in HELP for plan region. That should tell you nearly everything you need to know.

In my words, a plan region is a boundary that you sketch which Revit will use to alter the cut plane, within the boundary. Objects that have cut properties will display according to the new cut elevation value you assign the plan region.

Take your stair for example, from the VIEW design bar option, Choose PLAN REGION, then sketch a rectangle shape around your stair. Finish the sketch, no change right? Now hover over the area you placed the region and select the region when it highlights. When you have it selected, choose PROPERTIES and then choose EDIT. Change the cut elevation value until you get the desired display. Keep in mind the entire stair boundary needs to be within the region otherwise it won't change anything. Hope this helps...

2004-08-02, 07:42 PM
Having a problem making the stairs change. Yes it is totally inside the box.
Tried another sections in the middle of the plane and set the cut plane above the doors and works fine. Any idea what I may have done wrong?

2004-08-02, 07:46 PM
Good grief! Works at one stair tower and not the other which means the operator messed up. Thanks for the info. Will figure out what I did wrong on the one tower. Thanks again.

2004-08-02, 07:53 PM
My guess is that you are doing what I show in the attached images...the boundary must stay completely outside the stair extents...

-----Doesnt' Work -------/------- Does Work-------

2005-11-29, 01:39 AM
Well, if I do what you say to do, it works perfect for cutting the stair plane lower, but now I have a new problem. I attached an image of the area I'm having a problem with so hopefully you can see my dilemma. The stair is next to an exterior wall and I need to be able to show the window there and not have the view cut into the roof outside. I was happy to learn how to change the view properties for certain areas so thank you very much for that feature. I will be able to use that a lot! But I'm hoping there is a work-around for my new problem and if so please let me know. I appreciate anyone willing to help me out!

Brian Andresen