View Full Version : Using Width of Curtain Panels in Conditional Statement

2007-07-11, 06:57 PM
I want to make tags that return a value based on a curtain panel width.

I have a shared parameter called tag with the following formula in the family:

if(Width = 2' 6", "C", if(Width = 3' 9", "B", if(Width = 5', "C", "?")))

This won't work because the "Width" of a curtain panel-window is not constant and is determined by the curtain grid itself, therefore the parameter "Width" does not exist in the family editor....

My next plan was to dimension the left/right reference planes in the family editor and assign an instance parameter "WIDTH" I then used the formula:

if(WIDTH = 2' 6", "C", if(WIDTH = 3' 9", "B", if(WIDTH = 5', "C", "?")))

This returns the values, but the WIDTH is not actually variable with the curtain panel size - it just returns the default value.

ANY IDEAS?????????

2007-07-11, 09:04 PM
It's not quite the same, but here's something I did to make an arrayed frit pattern flex properly on a curtain panel. I made a seperate nested family with a width instance parameter and then locked its edges to the curtain panel edges. This way when the panel stretches, the nested family can read the width and react how I want it to. As long as you can get the tag to read a shared parameter in a nested family this should give you what you want, but I haven't tried anything like that yet.

2007-07-11, 09:58 PM
I was bored so I figured out how to do it.
You need to create your panel, or at least the major part of it as a generic family with instance parameters for width, height, material, etc. Make sure your height and width parameters are to reference planes. You then add a shared parameter called label(or something to that effect) and put your if statement in there. Under family category and parameters you check the shared box, then load this family into a curtain panel family, lock its extents to the curtain panel reference planes and load that back into your project. Now just make a tag that reads that label parameter and you're good to go. As long as the nested family was shared it can be tagged. hopefully that makes sense

2007-07-12, 01:41 PM
Thanks Chris !- I'll give it a try, and post how it goes.