View Full Version : Family Material not showing

2007-07-12, 06:28 PM
I created a simple family that is a wood bracket/corbel. In the family I assigned a material with the hatch I wanted to show for the surface pattern, but when I load it into my project it shows as the generic grey for default. The family is attached. Is there something I'm missing I need to do in my project??



Dimitri Harvalias
2007-07-12, 07:11 PM
You need to be sure the material has the parameter assigned to it.

Select the modeled object in the family. Go to properties. At the right of the material parameter there is a box. Click on that and you should be able to assign the parameter that you created. Reload the family and you should be in business.

2007-07-12, 08:29 PM
Thank you! I did not realize the material has to be attached as a parameter as well as be assigned to the object.

2007-07-12, 10:04 PM
Also, you can "chain-link" parameters. If you have an embedded family, make the material parameter an instance parameter. Once you bring that family into its host, you can use the same method HCSL described by linking the material to a new parameter in the host family. It gives you a lot of control over embedded families... ;)