View Full Version : Keyboard toggle for reference planes on/off in view

2003-07-09, 04:46 PM
This might be a wishlist item, but I'm hoping I just don't know the secret yet. Any way to hit a keystroke and toggle reference plane visibility on and off?



2003-07-09, 09:50 PM
Unfortunately, no.

You can use keyboard shortcuts to get to view properities, but once there, you're on your own :(

A simple way to turn RPs on and off would be great. I seem to always end up with the entire view chockas with them :D


Dean Camlin
2003-07-11, 01:09 PM
I think this has been on the wish list for a while. Either that, or simply make the reference planes a non-printing entity (& don't allow them to increase the size of the view boundaries either).

2003-07-11, 01:35 PM
How do I set them to not increase the size of the view boundary? That sounds like a nice little feature.


Dean Camlin
2003-07-13, 10:35 AM
As they are now, you can't. All you can do is select each one and move its endpoints in toward your model; or turn them all off. Personally, I would like to see reference planes extend to infinity without increasing the size of the view, and make them nonprintable unless specifically overridden.

2003-07-14, 04:20 PM
re: viewport visibility, ther than have to go to the view props for this, why can't viewports, when made invisible, act like ref planes that have been turned off in a view, i.e. they would still be selectable if you hover over them, even if you can't see them.

2003-07-14, 04:51 PM
I think this has been on the wish list for a while. Either that, or simply make the reference planes a non-printing entity (& don't allow them to increase the size of the view boundaries either).

Color me crazy, but can't you select not to print the ref planes in the Print Settings? See attached.

2003-07-14, 05:02 PM
The issue for me is that ref planes mess up viewports and they show up by default in all views, so it messes up all the views that it passes through. We need them to not change the extents of viewports.

2003-07-14, 05:33 PM
Maybe if we could categorize them, ie. structural, walls, plumbing fixtures, etc, & have them different colors, with the ability to shut them off by category, I'd find it helpful. I use reference planes quite a bit, & find that once I get well into the project, I can't see the forest for the trees. Being able to name them helps but...

Taylor A
2003-07-15, 07:42 AM
Reference planes can be controlled by Scope Boxes........or has someone already pointed that out.

Dean Camlin
2003-07-15, 03:42 PM
JamesVan wrote:

Color me crazy, but can't you select not to print the ref planes in the Print Settings?

Thanks, James! I never noticed that check box before.

But still, if reference planes were boundless & didn't increase the view extents, it would be helpful.

Taylor A, how can they be controlled by scope boxes?

2003-07-15, 09:35 PM

Set up and name your scope boxes. Go to the properties of the reference planes and associate them with specific scope boxes using the drop down menu next to the scope box row. Next change the view settings to display the specific scope boxes and only the reference planes associated with that scope box will be visible. You can also select " none " , in which case, all the reference planes will be visible.
