View Full Version : Revit 2008 Deployment from existing installation

2007-07-13, 04:24 PM
Hey guys, quick question...

I'm aware of how I can create network deployments from a Revit 2008 install CD using the wizard. However, my boss wants to know if there's a way I can create a deployment using an existing install of Revit. That way, I can transfer everything into other deployed installs: toolbar settings, default font sizes, etc, things that I wouldn't be able to set during the network deployment wizard install from the CD.

Thanks in advance for your help!

2007-07-13, 06:19 PM
Use a script to run a deployment then copy the Revit.ini file and any other customizations like keyboard shortcuts, import/export settings, etc.

I use the attached script after the deployment is finished.

The files copied to the workstation can be harvested from a 'good' installation, just remember to remove settings like the username so that it's updated for each workstation.

In some offices, we've set up this script to run at each logon so that the customizing can be updated as required.