
View Full Version : rendering fees

2003-07-09, 06:27 PM
I just might have lost a bid with a Architect to render a building for them..
My fee was $20.00 a hour @ 30 hrs. which is $600.00
I dont think that is too high of a fee, considering all the work that goes into a rendering..
What do you think?

2003-07-09, 06:37 PM
Hey where are you located? I can find out what my local prices are, but I'm in the Bay Area, and as such the prices might be high.

Also, another thing to keep in mind, is that rendering work is something that off-shore labor can do cheaper than you and I. I saw a mind-blowing presentation of Renderings, Animations, Interior panaramas, fly-thrus; the works (complete with a kiosk-styled front webpage, done in flash); all photo-real and *very* well done by a company that farms the work to a group of Architects in Hungary. The price for the whole thing was $4,000. $4,000! Damn! That's like half of what a local place would charge, and you wouldn't get something as well done as what I saw IMHO. Once I saw that I just gave up, and have been trying to figure out and focus on reasons someone would have to hire me *locally* vs. what they could farm out!

Just a word of warning!


2003-07-09, 08:21 PM
I live in portland,OR...
Iam thinking that those architects in Hungry used Archicad which I need to learn.
but yea...


2003-07-09, 08:48 PM
Nope. They used 3D Studio Max, straight up, with a little modeling in AutoCAD. When I showed Revit to thier local rep, he emailed me a week later saying that they are now looking serously at Revit and how it can aid thier workflow...

ArchiCAD is a great program, mind you, but if you're doing real flashy animation work (like this presenation I'm talking about), you have to use some professional-grade stuff, not CAD rendering plug-ins! :)

Here's their website: http://www.architask.com/

The 'elementary school' presentation was the one I was talking about, the one that was like $4,000 or so...