View Full Version : Wall Schedule that includes wall height?

2004-08-02, 06:01 PM
I am familiar with creating a Wall Schedule in Revit, However It does not include a parameter far wall height. Can this be done in Revit? How?

2004-08-02, 07:05 PM

it's not available to you as a parameter. If you have a very simple rectangular on face wall you can achieve it by adding a calculated field that is area/length. That won't return an accuracte figure as it won't be adjusted for windows an so on (which I think are subtracted from the area). Stepped walls with edited profiles etc make this even more complex.

2004-08-03, 03:17 AM
Peter is correct in saying that the wall area returned is exclusive of inserted components like doors and windows, so the derived height from area/length is not much use in practice