View Full Version : Section Depth and performance

2007-07-16, 06:52 PM
Has anyone tried managing Section and Elevation view depth for improved performance? I have a couple of really big projects, and often the far cut plane on sections would be many rooms away. My gut sense is that this makes Revit work very hard to track changes in Sections and Elevations that in the end actually don't show up visually. My thinking is that by pulling the far side of the crop region back, you minimize what Revit checks and determines it can ignore graphically, it just ignores it by default.
So I have been experimenting with a best practice of setting the far cut plane of the crop region to just beyond the farthest surface you want to see and no more. For detail cuts I am going just a few inches beyond the section line in most cases (windows in section, where I want to see the jamb in elevation being one exception). I have a sense that things are a little quicker, but I am not "in the trenches" in Revit enough to be sure. So, anyone have either a better seat-of-the-pants-meter, or perhaps some more scientific testing?
And perhaps the Factory could chime in? Does my thinking make sense, and I really am seeing some benefit? Or does Revit not really work like this and I am seeing a placebo effect?


2007-07-16, 06:55 PM
Yes and Yes.

Giving Revit less to think about does improve performance. So set the far clip only as needed.

Also use worksets or VG to assist. urn things like furniture off when looking at elevations. This speeds performance and reduces user error. With things on behind walls - people tend to select things by mistake and move them around. Window a door in elevation and you might get the chair sitting behind a wall.