View Full Version : Dissapearing Handle!

2007-07-16, 08:15 PM
So, the title says it all.

You'll see the handle in all it's glory in 3D, plan, etc, but if you switch to the placement side elevation, no handle! Of course, I can drag select around it and it gets selected. Very strange...

We've got the same handle hosted in 20+ other families and it shows fine. I could always copy the whole thing to a new file and set up the constraints again, but I want to know WHY this is happening. Doesn't seem to be a visibility graphics issue, and I can't find any other "logical" reason I can't see it in elevation!

2007-07-16, 09:23 PM
The only way I was able to get the handle to show was to edit the handle family and change the visibility to show in plan. It looks as though within the handle family, your plan view is actually showing what you would see in your front view. Because the show in plan was turned off, I think this is why you did not see the handle in your front views. (Man, I hope that made sense.)

Also, it looks as though the left/right views are showing what you might see in plan and front/back views are representing side views. This might be causing some visibility confusion when nested into your casework family.

I hope this helps.

2007-07-17, 12:10 AM
You're brilliant!

Since this is a face-based family, we naturally modeled the "elevation" in plan. I think this may be a BUG!

I'm going to play with it tomorrow and find the "solution." (which, in some cases, is to submit a support request...)