View Full Version : Section Tag Display on a Topographic Model

2003-07-09, 07:21 PM
I have a topographic model with a base elevation of approximately 6000 feet
above sea level. When I place a section marker a corresponding section view
is created, but I receive a message that the tag itself cannot be viewed. I
have checked the VG settings and "sections" are checked. I have also
adjusted the view depth in the view settings, but I am still unable to see
or adjust the section marker.

I would appreciate any suggestions.

Thank you -

Joseph Church

2003-07-09, 10:01 PM

Are you using phases ? The section could be in a different phase to the topo ?


2003-07-10, 11:47 AM

Just guessing, but I had a similar problem on a site view. Check your "view top" setting in the site's view properties box, and set it above the 6000'.

2003-07-10, 08:19 PM
I'm not using phases on this project. And I am unable to set the view top setting above 3000'. I started a new project file and I am able to place and see the section tag. I can't see any settings between the two files that are different, but it is possible that I'm just not looking in the correct spot.

The one thing I did notice in the problematic file is that the option for "unlimited" in the view range drop downs is missing. That leads me to believe that either I've changed a setting somewhere else, or the file itself is corrupt. If anyone has an idea I'd love to know about it.

