View Full Version : Roofs - horrible

2004-08-02, 08:09 PM
Just cross upgraded from ADT 2005 to Revit. Had used Revit for a year or so
about 2 years ago. I must say I am bitterly disappointed with the lack of
improvement in its roof functions. I am resorting to importing my complex
roofs from Sketchup. This is very sad and IMHO disgraceful that Autodesk
refuses to make any improvements to the roof tools. I hope I am wrong and
some improvements will follow shortly.


Dick Barath

2004-08-02, 08:34 PM
A roof like that? Very simple. Have you tried the roof tutorials. We can recreate that roof assembly in a couple of minutes. Of course, if I tried a roof in ADT I probably couldn't do it.

I'm not trying to make you sound like you don't know what your doing. Just asking. I have created some very complex roofs and I agree that there could be some improvements on some things but overall works great in creating roofs. Of course, knowing all the little tricks helps.


Scott D Davis
2004-08-02, 08:34 PM

Exactly what were your problems creating this roof in Revit? I just (roughly) reproduced your roof in about 2 minutes. We need to know what problems you were running into in order to help you understand how to create this. As you said, this is a very simple roof! I expected your attachment to be some complex organic shaped tensile structure! (saw it on the autodesk.revit NG first....)

If you have problems in the RVT file, post it here and someone will be able to help figure out where the problem may be.

Glad to hear you have made the switch!

Roger Evans
2004-08-02, 08:37 PM
Welcome back ~ Glad to see time hasn't mellowed you ~ & No I'm not being sarcastic.

2004-08-02, 08:55 PM
Hello to everyone:

Yes Roger - still on edge and tight as a wire. Scott your still helpfull as ever. Perhaps I have forgot more than I thought. If it isn't to much trouble could you please post the roof construct outline so I can see how you did it. Seems to be perfect. This is not intended to be difficult but rather just a nagging source of frustation that in the past - Revit had to be cheated into doing this particular roof - is that still the case?


Dick Barath

Wes Macaulay
2004-08-02, 09:55 PM
I expected your attachment to be some complex organic shaped tensile structure!Like this?

Completely modelled and rendered in Revit, of course!

2004-08-02, 10:10 PM

I did it as a single roof/no holes. There are probably 20 other ways to make the same shape in 5 min. or less....

Scott D Davis
2004-08-02, 10:15 PM

The RVT file for the roof in my post is attached. Not that Revit had to be 'fooled' into this roof, but there are a couple of tricks to it.

The sketch line that defines the "east" sid eof your model (assuming we are primarily looking at the south side) is broken in to two parts. Part of the sketch line to the southern end is slope defining, while the other part is not.
The 'cutout' area at the front southwest corner of the roof is done using the Opening tool (under the modelling tab) rather than trying to define it with the roof sketch.

Look at the attached RVT and let me know if you have questions!

2004-08-02, 10:46 PM

Thank you for the help. I believe when I opted out of Revit at the time of the Autodesk buyout - Revit 4.5 ???? - the slope arrow tool was not available. This roof had the Revit Architects doing all matter of things - but obviously no problem now. Incidently the house and garage heights were meant to be at different heights - Arron caught it. Thanks everyone - will try not to shoot from the hip so fast in the future.


Dick Barath

2004-08-02, 10:49 PM
Since this thread does not appear to continue to support a wish...moving to general. Thanks to all for chipping in.

2004-08-02, 11:00 PM

Don't mean sound stupid but when I take your model and change values in the roof edit function with the slope symbol(change roof slope from 9 to 5) I can not close the roof. Why is this? I tried this for all slopes and only at the garage but no luck with either.


Dick Barath

2004-08-02, 11:25 PM
Like this?

Completely modelled and rendered in Revit, of course!

Nice, I like it a lot.
Interesting to see some of the
artifacts in that render you posted.
Was this a draft or high resolution

Wes Macaulay
2004-08-03, 05:46 AM
It's a cool building I'm working on at a local firm -- we'll see if we can post some renderings later on.

I noticed the artifacts, too... they do change or disappear in different vantage points.

2004-08-03, 01:59 PM
The reason you can't finish the sketch is because of the eave heights. Those will need to be changed to reflect the lower pitch.This may require a simple sketch to determine the height offset from the upper eave to the lower eave based on the distance of the overhang @ the porch. Too short of an offset will produce a roof - although incorrect. Too much and you can't get from point A to point B. Simply start too small. Then measure the distance from upper to lowe and input this as the distance for the eave offset.

Also don't forget to schange the slope of the slope arrows.


Don't mean sound stupid but when I take your model and change values in the roof edit function with the slope symbol(change roof slope from 9 to 5) I can not close the roof. Why is this? I tried this for all slopes and only at the garage but no luck with either.


Dick Barath

2004-08-20, 10:13 PM
Creating Roofs has been the most dissapointing part of Revit. You might be able to model just about any roof - but at what amount of time and suffering.

I just can't see how they can continue using the current concept where it degenerates to a 2d plane in editing. You need to work on ridges and valleys in 3d IMHO.

So the truth is that Revit does not do complex roofs automatically!
You will have to work really hard for your roofs!

2004-08-21, 04:15 PM
I do not see, considering the fact that there are an infinate number of permutations, how any tool could "automatically" create any roof. I am more comfortable building mine like they build in the real world.

On the other hand, I agree 100% that the roof tools need work. I did have a heck of a go on the roof I refrenced in that "myth's" post, and allot of it had to do with Revit's inflexible tools.

I also hope the factory works this component over, esp. joins.

2005-03-15, 01:55 PM
Like this?

Completely modelled and rendered in Revit, of course!
Wes(or anyone who can help), I am interested in doing some organic shaped roofs like your post earlier. Where can I find out more about that?

New Revit user, wanna be power user

2005-03-15, 02:53 PM
Factory understands need for more improvements with roofs, with some improvements attempted in almost every release of Revit.

7.0 new roof enhancements which might deserve attention are: no need to align eaves (Revit attempts to close gap automatically), segmented slope defining arc, ability to pick face(s) of Mass to create roof using regular roof type (no need for in-place family).

(Slope Arrow tool was available in 4.5 and release or a few releases before that.)