View Full Version : 3ds Max 9 - "Invalid Frame Requested"

2007-07-18, 12:35 PM
In Video Post, after I've added my frames and go to produce the output file, I get an Image I/O Error: "Invalid Frame Requested" with the option to Retry or Cancel. Upon choosing either option, Max gets an Internal Error.

I'm not sure where the problem is coming from; I've tried using different codecs, different file formats, etc. to no avail.

Interestingly, and I'm not sure if this is related, but after installing Max 9 I installed a trial of Combustion. When I open Combustion, it almost immediately crashes with no error. Also, anything to do with Apple's Movie format crashes whatever's trying to open it -- crashes Max if I try to save an animation in .mov format, crashes Firefox if I try to stream a .mov.

This all seemed to happen at the same time (right around Max 9 install), so I'm not sure what's up. I've re-installed the latest version of Quicktime, I've reinstalled (almost) all of my codecs...

The only thing I've noticed is that next to the file box (where you choose what type of output format), there's a "Devices" box... never saw that before... within that dialogue it says "No I/O Handlers Found". Could this be the culprit? What's an I/O Handler? Isn't that for HD and video editing?

Thanks All,

2007-07-18, 12:47 PM
Here's somethig I just found off the Sparks knowledgebase (http://sparks.discreet.com/knowledgebase/sdkdocs_v8/ref/main/html/class_bitmap_i_o.html):

BMMRES ProcessImageIOError(BitmapInfo *bi, int errorcode); Remarks:

Implemented by the System.

This method may be called to present the user with the 3ds Max Image IO Error dialog box displaying the specified error message based on the error code passed. The user may choose Cancel or Retry from the dialog. An appropriate value is returned based on the users selection. If Silent Mode is on (for example network rendering is being done) no dialog is presented and BMMRES_ERRORTAKENCARE is returned.


BitmapInfo *bi

A pointer to the BitmapInfo. This is used to retrieve the file or device name (using bi->Name() or bi->Device()).

int errorcode

The error code. Pass one of the following values and the string shown to its right will be presented.


BMMRES_NUMBEREDFILENAMEERROR - Error Creating Numbered File Name.

BMMRES_BADFILEHEADER - Invalid Image File Header

BMMRES_CANTSTORAGE - Error Creating Image Storage


BMMRES_BADFRAME - Invalid Frame Requested

Any other values produce - Unknown Error

Looks like jibberish to me, but it may make sense to someone (and theoretically help).