View Full Version : Step Footing

2004-08-03, 04:10 AM
What is the most efficent and versatile way of doing a step footing as attached.

Thanks in advance.

Dick Barath

2004-08-03, 04:33 AM
There are a number of ways.

Here's two -

1. Make the footing as a wall and edit its profile.

2. Make the footing as a wall and attach its top and bottom to reference planes and /or levels.

Scott D Davis
2004-08-03, 04:37 AM
Use a wall, edit the elevation profile into the stepped configuration.

2004-08-03, 02:05 PM
As an asside - why the slopped base? On bed rock? Around here footings like that tend to slide down the hill

2004-08-03, 02:34 PM
when you draw the sketch of the stair, you can drag the fist and last lines
as show in the pictures


2004-08-03, 02:39 PM
Now there is an interesting approach...just be sure to keep the railings so it will be safe for the concrete crew to pour...;)

2004-08-03, 04:52 PM
I think if you place stirrups in the footing you can ride it down the hill.

2004-08-03, 05:00 PM
Hey Dick, this thread shed some light on my darkness as well:


off topic:

Dick, you don't know me, but about the time 2004 came out, before I gave up on ADT, I was lurking in the ADT NG seeking answers, and saw some of your legendary posts. I recall allot of the frustration you were experiencing, and I was having some of the same prob's. The point is, it was some of your posts, the "new-features" and the absurd work-throughs to solve simple problems that led me to this board (Zoog), and finally to purchase Revit.

No elitism or ignoring posts that have no/bad answers here partner. This is a great forum.

Good luck, keep learnin the proggy


2004-08-03, 05:29 PM

Great link on foundations. I was here 2 years ago - Revit I mean. At that time the forum was a great group of people and obviously still is. I left Revit with the Autodesk aquisition -I was lured back with a "reasonable" cross upgrade. Perhaps I was a bit snappy and to the point on some of the forums - hopefully as the frustation subsides I will mellow some ??? ??? Only real bur under my saddle is the lack of a good drafting engine in Revit - sure something is in the works at Autodesk. Incidently I for one have noticed that attitudes are slowly changing at Autodesk - hopefully this will continue.

Have a great day - thanks for the encouragement.


Dick Barath

CCI Design
2004-08-03, 07:07 PM
The easiest way to do it is with an extrusion.

2004-08-04, 11:44 PM
I would do as Scott suggests and edit the wall elevation.

2004-08-05, 12:06 PM
ditto!!!!!! - ditto with 2 !! was too short!!