View Full Version : Sheduling Tags.

2007-07-19, 07:41 AM
As the title says, is there a way that you can schedule tags inside a project?

2007-07-19, 10:59 AM
Why do you want to schedule the tags and not the items you are tagging?

2007-07-19, 10:59 AM
I think you want to schedule the objects/materials you tagged, select View>New Schedule/Quantities and take from there

2007-07-19, 11:04 AM
What we are trying to do is have 5 or so different tags each representing a different situation when it tags an element. I want to be able to quantify these tags so that a builder can see this.

2007-07-19, 12:12 PM
You probably want to either
(A) Create a schedule of physical objects and include a tag for each object type.
(B) Create a legend view showing various tags that you use

2007-07-19, 01:00 PM
You probably want to either
(A) Create a schedule of physical objects and include a tag for each object type.
(B) Create a legend view showing various tags that you useHi there LRaiz. We are doing something similar but more simplified of your first suggestion. Basically we already have an element that can be many situations and be scheduled. Now when you tag that element it needs to have 5 or so different situations happening to it once again.

Basically we have say an electrical plug. Now the family already tells me if it statoinary or needs to be moved. It also tells me what kind of plug it is. Now I tag that family which tells me what it's position is along the wall. Now the thing with tags is that it does not allow for shared parameters which would be perfect cause then I could make a parameter that the tag can read. Since I can't do this I would like to be able to schedule the tags so that I can reference them correctly with the families. It is kinda involved and lenghty to get shedules and plans correct. Just so you know this is for Interior designers so they need this kind of info for the builders.

2007-07-19, 02:09 PM
Now the thing with tags is that it does not allow for shared parameters which would be perfect cause then I could make a parameter that the tag can read. Since I can't do this ...
May be you have a problem with some specific family category. I don't have 2008 but in 9.1 I just tried Generic Model Tags and did not see a problem with adding shared parameter labels.

2007-07-19, 03:15 PM
Seems to me, unless I'm misreading your problem, that you could use two seperate tags looking at two seperate properties of the same base object. The first tag would work the way you already described, simply tagging the object. And if you embed the second tier of information into the object as well, you can have the second tag represent the information in a different parameter. You might have to make a custom tag to do this, but thats a simple matter of editing an existing one and changing the parameter associated with it.

2007-07-24, 02:17 PM
May be you have a problem with some specific family category. I don't have 2008 but in 9.1 I just tried Generic Model Tags and did not see a problem with adding shared parameter labels.

You are still working on 9.1?!!!!!

2007-07-24, 02:37 PM
You are still working on 9.1?!!!!!
I don't work for Autodesk since the fall of 2004 and I have not been involved in Revit development after 7.0. However I have 9.1 installed on my home computer and I read AUGI forums once in a while.