View Full Version : Rotating Project ( Rotated out of forum )

2004-08-03, 04:42 AM
In attempting to copy LRaiz's answer in this topic to Tips and Tricks , while leaving the original thread intact , I managed to delete all the posts except Leonards.

Sorry everyone, but they are gone for good I'm afraid. ( Steve Stafford has deducted the appropriate amount from my weekly pay packet )

Only good news is that I managed to get LR's post to the TIps section so its still there (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=5798).
And I learnt how to do copy and move so it won't happen again. .... Promise. :Oops:

2004-08-03, 05:10 AM
I guess we are picking on the top Revit guys' posts...I inadvertently deleted a thread that Irwin replied to a month back...black eyes and a pox on us both.:roll:

2004-08-03, 05:54 AM
Hmmm, medieval insults eh Steve.

Anyone who'd like to throw more insults ( ... at me, not Steve ) - try this site (http://www.deathstar.org/groups/ros/reference/insults.html).

( But be quick - some of the good ones have already been taken , such as >>> A pox upon thee and thine family, you gorbellied urchin-snouted pigeon egg, who art no greater than the boil-brained malt-worm that bears your mothers name!! Ha, away from me you onion-eyed nave!! )