View Full Version : Rated Windows

2007-07-19, 05:04 PM
So Walls and Doors have a Fire Rating Type Parameter by default, which makes sense. But a Window can be rated too, metal frame, wire glass, more money, no sweat. So why don't Windows have the same Fire Rating Type Parameter by default? And it seems that the only way to get a Fire Rating parameter on a Window is a shared parameter, and you can't have the same name as the stock type parameter, so now I need two filters to show all my rated stuff differently. One for windows that looks for a shared parameter called Rated or such, and one for Walls, Doors and such. But no, Ceilings also have no Fire Rating by default, but we do rated ceilings all the time? So as far as I can tell, I am stuck making a Shared Parameter called Rated for everything, and the default Fire Rating becomes useless at best, and an opportunity for someone to use it erroneously at worst.
So, am I right, or is there a way to add the stock Fire Rating to other object types? And hey Factory, any reason why these other object types can't just have a Fire Rating parameter there bu default? Sure would make life easier, and Revit would look a lot more like the real world.


2007-07-19, 08:18 PM
If i have to guess without thinking as a layperson I say Door Rating=Window Rating or better!

2007-07-24, 02:12 PM
This is the same problem we had. We submitted a support request and the support person said he would submit it to the factory. I would encourage you to do so, if you have not done it yet

2007-07-24, 03:39 PM
Same here.

There are so many parameters I would love to get into other families, especially ones like Fire Rating, etc... However, I don't want the factory to do this for me, I want the factory to let me do it myself. How about a better project parameter dialog which lets me adjust parameter settings more effectively and at my own discretion. I promise, if I screw something up I'll fix it. Really. (My fingers may or may not be crossed, I cannot comment on the status of my toes)

2007-07-24, 05:59 PM
I would prefer if families have less stock parameters to be honest. Then I can decide which onces are instance or type, based on my application. I hate it when the stock parameter is an instance parameter and I can't change it. So I've just been using the same shared parameter for fire rating and not use the stock one. This leads to some confusion, which could be avoided if the stock parameters can be taken out or if we didn't have them at all!

EDIT: Oh, that's what Kelly just said :)

2007-07-24, 06:15 PM
I would prefer a parameter "bin" as well, that you could tack in to any family catagory.

Of course, id also love to be able to put formulas and values in Project Parameters in the Project Environment, and not in the Family environment. Id love to be able to dimension 2 walls, and assign a Label to that dimension, and have that label a project parameter value, just like we do in the family editor. I know we can do it through mass and generic model families and wall by faces, but imagine how many other things we could do if we could do it right in the project itself... :)