View Full Version : Annotation Family Problem

2007-07-19, 08:05 PM
I created my own general annotation to use in place of the spot elevation. The only problem I am having is once I load it into my project, the leader doesn't connect to symbol, it some off of where the text stops. I have attached the file for reference if anyone wants a look. Typically the way I have it set up in the family this would go to the right of my elevation with the leader coming off the left side. Also, to have the text on the right side when I place my label on the left side of the elevation, so I have to make a second family, or is there some sort of control I can set up for this? Any help is greatly appreciated.



Justin Marchiel
2007-07-19, 09:04 PM
this is the nature of the family. since the leader is a different part of the family, the leader will place itself at the end of the attached family. the only way to control this would be to add a line in the family with and instance parameter to control the length which artificially adds a line in the family. i added a visiblility parameter to control the left or right side.

Take a look and see if this does what you want.


2007-07-19, 09:29 PM
Thank you so much! Is there somewhere that I can find a white paper or something on how to set up the visibility and other controls?



Justin Marchiel
2007-07-19, 10:56 PM
keep your eyes on this forum!

Really this is about the best place that i have foudn to get answers. Most of the users are more then happy to help.
