View Full Version : Problem with non-room bounding walls

2007-07-21, 04:19 PM
I have a few short walls inside a room that I do not want to be room bounding. I have some 5 ft. high concrete walls, set to base finished floor and unconnected 5' high. I also have a curb that I made using a generic 6" wall, set to base finished floor and unconnected 6" high. All these walls have Room Bounding unchecked in the instance properties. However when I place a room object with tag, the 6" curb acts like it's a room boundary, while the 5 ft. high walls do not. What could be the problem here?

2007-07-21, 04:56 PM
Weve had some issues with rooms and boundaries based solely on the level that the room is created in, and the level of the base constraint of the walls. It was a very different circumstance, but id be curious if thats affecting your walls. Is there another level you can put the curb on? Move its base constraint and offset, so its in the same location, but constrained to a different level... Id be curious if it has any effect.

2007-07-22, 04:14 PM
For shorter wall i always attach to the next level with a negative offset instead of the other way around. it prevents some display issue, it might fix your issue.

2007-07-22, 09:04 PM
I ended up having to create a wall similar to my other 5 ft. high walls, and then changing the type, and then changing the height to only 6" high. Then when I placed the room object it worked properly as non-room bounding.

2007-07-22, 10:15 PM
Interesting. I just passed a file in with a SR as well, about Room bounding walls and levels, and the like. Walls that have their base constraint set to a certain level, even when their base is attached to a roof way above (so theyre nowhere in the 3d space), are still considered room bounding if the room itself is created on the same level.

Interestingly enough, room behavior makes them "prefer" edited profiles over roof attachments for that application. Thats why i was wondering if it had to do with the Level association. Development says the problem i experienced is known about, and on the list to (eventually) get fixed...