View Full Version : Mass distortion within a camera view

2007-07-23, 05:49 PM
Hello All,

My question pertains to a 3D view created by a camera "see attachment". The image on the left is the view without the camera. As you can see the mass I have created is a sweep using a profile as well as voids. The image on the right is the mass in the camera view. The mass shows up as a vertical surface instead of a complex curve as it is shown in the left image. Is there a simple solution by adjusting some setting in the camera view or is there another way to create this mass? Thank you for your help!!!!!

Mr Spot
2007-07-23, 10:57 PM
Is that even the same element? It looks like a totally different element in your perspective view? Is the mass turned on in the perspective?

I just did a test and I couldn't reproduce a compound curve showing up vertical in a perspective view no matter how much I fiddled with the lens etc...

2007-07-24, 02:58 PM
Is that even the same element? It looks like a totally different element in your perspective view? Is the mass turned on in the perspective?

I just did a test and I couldn't reproduce a compound curve showing up vertical in a perspective view no matter how much I fiddled with the lens etc...

Unfortunately it is the same element. In the prospective view "image on left" the mass shows correctly so I believe it is turned on. The problem I’m having is that in the camera view the mass shows as a straight vertical mass instead of a curved vertical mass. If you have a chance try making a curved sweep and then make a curved profile. Once you have your shape set up a "camera view" and see if you get the same effect as I am. Thanks for your response.

Mr Spot
2007-07-25, 05:51 AM
I already did just that (refer to my comments in previous post)... can you isolate that part of the model you have in a new file and upload it...?