View Full Version : family batch upgrade

2007-07-26, 02:12 PM
is the 'family batch upgrade' still available in RAC2008? I used it on the last version upgrade and it seemed to work ok?

2007-07-26, 05:39 PM
Yes - Once you install Revit 2008, look here:

C:\Program Files\Revit Architecture 2008\Download\Utilities\Common\ContentBatchUtility

I just used it and it works like a champ.

2007-07-27, 01:10 PM

2008-04-21, 06:31 AM
Hi received disks today.

Just installed rac-s 2009 from disk and could not find the download directory described above, looks like you only get this if you do a web install.

Family library upgrade files maybe on the dvd elsewhere ???


2008-04-21, 06:53 PM
Did you try doing a file search on the DVD?

I tried a much older version of the batch upgrade utility (I downloaded off AUGI a few years back), but I haven't been able to get it to work with R2009.

Steven Campbell
2008-04-21, 08:37 PM
There will be a new version on the DVD to support 2009. The script has been update to match some changes that happened to Revit Journaling.

Dean Camlin
2008-04-28, 05:19 PM
That's good, Steven, because I haven't been able to get the process to work. Each time I try I've gotten kicked out of Revit.

2008-04-28, 06:20 PM
If anyone has the latest version of update, would you post a copy here. Or is that illegal?

2008-04-29, 01:49 AM
I don't think this is illegal so, 2009 content upgrade utility attached. Make sure you read the readme.txt file first.

Used it this morning and works well!

2008-04-29, 09:53 AM
Interestingly, I also used the batch upgrade program this morning & found that it crashed my system in a most unpleasant manner.

I have lodged a support request. If the response has wider implications (above & beyond the idiosyncrasies of my computer), I will post the response from AutoDesk here.



2008-04-29, 11:29 AM

Thanks for the Update.bat I will give it a whirl.

2008-05-16, 03:22 PM
Interestingly, I also used the batch upgrade program this morning & found that it crashed my system in a most unpleasant manner.

I have lodged a support request. If the response has wider implications (above & beyond the idiosyncrasies of my computer), I will post the response from AutoDesk here.



Yes. Crash, crash, crash, crash, crash.
Is this the tool included on the 2009 DVDs or the one from the 2008? Because I've compared them and can't see a difference.

2008-05-16, 03:25 PM
i'm keeping an eye on this thread so i know when the batch upgrade is ready to go... we are holding off on upgrading at this point to avoid the non-stop 'onetime' message that always appears...

if anyone gets word that the batch has been fixed please let us know


2008-05-16, 03:52 PM
FWIW, I used the batch upgrade utility posted here and it worked just fine...

2008-05-16, 03:57 PM
That is very interesting. I wonder what I'm doing wrong, then.

2008-05-16, 08:48 PM
Hi Brockway,

I figured out my problems with the batch upgrade, check out this thread,
for me, the problem was to do with a few corrupt files (one of which was at the very beginning of the txt list.



2008-05-16, 09:07 PM
Hmph. No matter what I do. This is always the scenario:

Place 2 files in folder. Run batch (list created). Drag appropriate txt file onto icon.
Revit 2009 opens. First file opens (momentarily see upgrade notification).
Autodesk's error report window opens. File doesn't save. Program stalls (not responding).
I'm forced to force close the program.

I've tried attempting to upgrade single files in a separate directory, editing the list to start at different families, other adjustments, everything I can think of. And I've sent the error report twice. I'm not going to torture them by sending it every time I attempt it.

I'll continue to work on it.

2008-05-16, 09:17 PM
Have you had a look at the journal.txt file?

I found that by looking through the journal.txt file and then editing the famlist.txt to delete whichever file was causing the crash and then re-dragging the Upgrade_RFA.txt to the desktop icon got me through the batch up grade OK.

In my case, I had around a dozen corrupted family files which 2009 refused to upgrade & that these were the root cause of my problems.



2008-05-16, 09:27 PM
Well, yeah. I have looked through the journal file each time but it never gets past the first file and I can't understand much more than that. However no matter how long, short, or random I make the list I get the same scenario every time. Unless every file I have is corrupt, I'm not sure about that one.

Also, I've attempted copying a family to another directory. Upgrading it manually. Then making a one family list that contains only that family in the original directory and running the batch and I get the same scenario.

I don't believe my issue is being caused by corrupt families, therefore. It has something to do with the end of the routine in the txt file. I just can't figure it out.

2008-05-16, 09:58 PM
I am sure this is a silly question and I only ask because I did this myself?! Are you dragging the Upgrade_rfa.txt file to the desktop icon or the famlist.txt?

For unknown reasons, probably the medication I was on - or maybe it was the second bottle of red??, I dragged the famlist.txt file to the icon & everything crashed around my ears!!

When I recovered from the horror, I promptly did the same thing at least twice more before realising that it was the wrong file!!! And yes, I know I am slow, my wife has mentioned this to me more than once.

Anyway, just a thought.



2008-05-19, 12:13 PM
No, that is a very fair question as I think I may have done that once or twice. But, the scenario I described is after dragging the upgrade_rfa.txt file onto the icon. I have a feeling this is going to be an insanely long weekend.

2008-05-19, 03:45 PM
Well, I don't know what I did differently. But, I grabbed a fresh version of the utility off the download and now it's working just fine.
Go figure.

2009-04-27, 03:11 PM
Is there a family batch upgrade script for 2010? I used this older one and it isn't working. Upgrading these family files is very tedious. Please help.

Scott Womack
2009-04-27, 03:49 PM
It is a separate install off of the DVD. As to a script, I don't believe is comes with one pre-built. I used the old dos command that does a directly listing to a text file, and used that.

2009-04-27, 05:55 PM
This should work in 2010.

2009-04-27, 06:30 PM
That's working great. Thanks a bunch!

2009-05-01, 04:47 PM
I used the tools supplied off of the Revit Architecture 2010 disc as well as the ones supplied in AUGI and each time that I drag and drop the famlist.txt onto the Revit 2010 icon I get a dialog box indicating "failed to open document". I have rights to that network drive where the families live. Any ideas?

Dean Camlin
2009-05-01, 05:00 PM
Sylvie, you have to follow the directions in the readme.txt file exactly. Drag & drop the Upgrade_RFA.txt file onto the Revit icon, not the famlist_rfa.txt file.

2009-05-01, 05:32 PM
Boy...do I feel stupid. I had also another person try the tool from his station and he got the same error..turns out we both need to go back to basics and 'read'!

Thanks for your time.


Dean Camlin
2009-05-01, 09:07 PM
Yep, I've had to do the same thing myself.

2009-05-02, 11:44 AM
thanks very much DD,

not sure where those of us no longer being given disks (UK, Korea etc.) are expected to find this.

I've requested a DVD (they ask why you want one and point out that it uses oil and trees).

Gadget Man
2009-05-04, 01:14 AM
... not sure where those of us no longer being given disks (UK, Korea etc.) are expected to find this...

WHAT?!?!?!?!?! :shock:

They don't even give you DVD anymore with your subscription???

Wow...! That's cheap...

What if somebody has a very slow or limited internet connection or isn't even connected to the internet at all? I didn't realise that having an internet connection was compulsory nowadays... Sure as God made small apples it would be difficult to conduct business but still it is NOT compulsory...

Perhaps the machine I use for REVIT is NOT on any network???

Or, more to the point, why should I pay EXTRA for downloading this enormous file that chews up a big chunk of my monthly internet allowance that I devoted to something else?

... I've requested a DVD (they ask why you want one and point out that it uses oil and trees).

Yeah, sure... My foot... As if downloading this huge file from the internet by so many hundreds of users worldwide doesn't use any energy and/or other resources. Or the users actually don't burn their own DVDs after downloads - as a backup, hence using the same number of DVDs... Yeah, saving the enviroment... sure... That's one big bull dropping!!!

What are they interested in is saving some money at our expense, that's all...

2009-05-04, 10:21 AM
We had a letter from A'desk to say that we could choose to have just a download or a download and disk for delivery of products, however in my subscription at least the only option was download - hence having to grovel for a disk.

I've just sent in a request for a 3ds Max Design 2010 disk as well - hopefully a boxed product with goodies rather than just a disk, but we'll see.

No doubt they are looking to extend this to outher countries...

Although I guess they will not dare try it in the USA... yet ;)