View Full Version : Ceiling vanishes in print

2007-07-26, 09:05 PM
Here's an odd one...

I have a fairly complex ceiling that shows its pattern correctly on the screen, but as soon as you print it the pattern vanishes, and actually seems to invert! (Some of the walls that are cutting things out of the ceiling are showing with the grid hatch through them!!!)

Anyone seen anything like this before?


Mr Spot
2007-07-26, 10:30 PM
I haven't seen this before. The usual workaround for printing issues is to print raster...

Can you post a screenshot of what is happening, pre printing and then the print preview?

2007-07-26, 11:12 PM
I didn't even think to try it because I hate the results I get our of Raster. But, in this case, it worked! However, I still want to fix the problem darnit!

Mr Spot
2007-07-27, 03:38 AM
Could it be a memory issue? In previous releases i have experienced weird little glitches before that required raster printing to resolve. If it was me i'd file it as Support Request regardless as I really don't see why raster and vector show differently on screen as to how they print sometimes?

2007-07-27, 02:40 PM
I sent the support request before posting here even. I did some serious searching prior to either so I was pretty confident this is a bug of some kind. Haven't head back yet though...

2007-07-27, 05:30 PM
From AutoDesk:

"This needs to be done with Raster processing as there is an issue with Vector processing for some elements. I misunderstood the issue earlier I am sorry.
The underlying issue for this case is being addressed by our development team on a future release.
I am going to place this Support Request in a status called 'Pending Change Request.' It will not be closed and you will be notified when the enhancement has been implemented."

I still don't understand how vector processing can effect one part of one ceiling element that happens to be the same shape as a room which you can delete and still have the printing problem occur. Just seems to random...