View Full Version : No measure area tool in Revit?

2007-07-27, 11:52 AM
I know it's Friday and my mind isn't at it's best, but...

am I right in thinking there is not a measure tool to measure areas in Revit?

The Help file just mentions Area plans - I've given that a try but I need more time to get the hang of it.

I keep thinking I've missed something really obvious.. but maybe not?

For the moment I can use my Construction Master Pro calculator to get the answer from the dimensions, but I'm so used to having an area measure tool in a cad package that it would a surprise if there wasn't one in Revit.

2007-07-27, 11:58 AM
Use your Room and Area tools.

Place an "Area" similar to all sketch modes, there a few ways to select your area.

Then Place an "Area" similar to placing a Room, and the "Area Tag" will come in Automatically.

If you then highlight the "Area" you can right click on it look at its Element Properties and it will show you the perimeter of that area.

You can also schedule Areas , I've done this to break up a Large building into a SF summary of different kinds of Areas ie: Storage, Office, & Assembly Spaces. This is been helpful for clients, and I have included it in the set of Drawings.

Is this what you're asking for?

2007-07-27, 12:00 PM
A number of options -
1. place rooms if the area is bounded by walls ( and other room bounding elements) and then place a room tage which reports the area, or check room properties or schedule rooms...
2. Create areas if the area isn't bounded by room bounding elements - create an area plan (I tend to use the duplicate plan option) then use the area boundary tool to outline the area you want to measure, I tend to sketch or use the pick tool and uncheck the "apply area rules" box, then place an area tag or schedule area or check area properties...
3. Draw a filled region and check its properties.

1 and 2 are most intelligent solutions, 3 can be the swiftest way if you just need a quick check... not very revit though and when something changes you have to do it all again....!

hope this helps.

Martin P
2007-07-27, 12:56 PM
I find the filled regions that display an area if you go to their properties are good for views that are not plans.

2007-07-27, 01:16 PM
many thanks - very kind of you all.

So, as I suspected - you cannot measure areas directly - but the Room tools are rather good, I can now see - apart from the fact that you don't seem to be able to include the floor space within a recess up to the room door face unless there is an option I have missed... or maybe that doesn't count as rentable/usable space ?

The Area Boundary tool was the bit I couldn't find, thanks - it isn't on the Drafting toolbar but in the top menu.

Umm, still haven't quite got the hang of this - you can create an Area plan, draw an Area boundary...
but the area within the boundary seems to have no special significance to Revit. I guess there is a next step I haven't located yet.

Filled regions works pretty well though, thanks.

cheers :beer:

2007-07-27, 01:28 PM
many thanks - very kind of you all.

So, as I suspected - you cannot measure areas directly - but the Room tools are rather good, I can now see - apart from the fact that you don't seem to be able to include the floor space within a recess up to the room door face unless there is an option I have missed... or maybe that doesn't count as rentable/usable space ?

The Area Boundary tool was the bit I couldn't find, thanks - it isn't on the Drafting toolbar but in the top menu.

Umm, still haven't quite got the hang of this - you can create an Area plan, draw an Area boundary...
but the area within the boundary seems to have no special significance to Revit. I guess there is a next step I haven't located yet.

Filled regions works pretty well though, thanks.

cheers :beer:Area boundary tool is in the Rooms and Areas category on the LHS of the screen (basic / modelling / drafting / strucutres etc) - if it doesn't show then right click and turn it on.

If the area is complete (ie a closed loop) then the area becomes an element that has properties and can be scheduled, tagged etc...

I think under settings --> room and area settings there is a way to determine if areas go into window reveals and door openings but I could be wrong...

2007-07-27, 03:35 PM
Ah, got it, thanks (the Room and Area toolbar) :)

After another search through the forum and the Revit tutorials I can see the bit of knowledge I was missing - after creating the area plan and the boundaries - automatically or by drawing them - you then have to use the Area tool to create the actual areas within the boundaries.

I can't see any options for the room outlines apart from face/core/centreline etc but it isn't a big problem. As someone said in a previous discussion on the subject you do not want to be that close on your room areas anyway to give some tolerance.

Never mind a pint, I'll have to buy you guys a brewery soon ;-) :beer:

2007-07-27, 06:37 PM
Main difference is that room are computed in only one way throughout your project. You can have multiple area plan and they can be calculated EXACTLY the way you want it.
I use Room schedule for NET calculation (or call it cartpet area) and Area for any other, Built-Up, GFA, etc.
You can easily setup a schedule to calculate parking or toilet calculation out of an area schedule. Any closed loop within an area is calculated as a "hole".
You can also filter for more calculations