View Full Version : Apartment Re-Imaging WIP

2003-07-10, 03:11 AM
A preliminary render of a bedroom area.

Note radiating rings of light from recessed downlights. After much exploration, discussion and questioning it appears that accurender emulates very effectively a badly designed recessed downlight complete with **** reflector!

I am in the process of attempting to develop a low voltage recessed halogen D/L with dichroic reflector lamp to reduce the rings, as I use these in every project.

Has anyone else confronted/mastered this issue.......or am I just missing something simple :?


2003-07-10, 03:31 AM
It's going to be a nice rendering.

I agree ... those downlights gotta go :)


2003-07-10, 06:14 AM
Despite the downlights, it's pretty darn good! Did you do anything special to get the 'glow' behind the glass block, or is that just a happy accident?

Keep up the good work.

2003-07-10, 07:49 AM
how did you get the glass block that big, or is a window that you resized and then messed with the image map?

2003-07-10, 08:28 AM
This is a nice piece of work and James Bond certainly looks very much at home, though I note no martini.

Did you takle out a wall to get such a good camera vantage point or is the room that size?

Have you tried running radiosity on this? I had an interior model which had banded pools of light like this and running radiosity (more than once I think) helkped reduce the problem.


2003-07-10, 08:31 AM
This is an interior view that i did a couple of months ago, you can see the before and after with radiosity in the image with the rad suffix.


2003-07-10, 08:50 AM
Hey Guys and Girls

Thanks again for the positive comments.

The glass blocks are created as a family in place (I think thats the right term) within an edited wall elevation. The discovery I made was that multiple extrusions and sweeps can occupy the same space. The glass is a 90mm thick extruded panel of glass, suitably bump mapped and adjusted in Accurender, the mortar is simply a series of vertical extrusions and sweeps 10mm thick and full depth, spaced 190mm apart just like the real thing. Takes about 5 minutes to create! (but dont tell everyone, OK)

The 'glow' is just the lights on in the bathroom and dressing room behind.

I remember someone mentioned Accurender in Revit was a crippled version................ :wink: !



p.s. image was radiated to 200 steps, raytraced with soft shadows and recalc radiosity to 250dpi.

p.p.s. Female client saw prelim render and got more excited about the guy in the doorway than the groovy glass blocks..........no pleasing some people!!!

Roger Evans
2003-07-10, 10:51 PM
Yes I Like it

To put things in perspective I remember the good old days when anyone would think that doing something like this was truly amazing.

Be thankful you are able to do it

If you want total reality you have to build it
In the meantime........

Nice to see the design


Richard McCarthy
2003-07-17, 02:42 AM
Nice interior :) I agree with Peter that this is fitting to James Bond's taste.

I have couple of crits though,

1. Is that a bed or a large sofa? judging from perspective comparing it to "James Bond", I think if he lies down the bed will only reach his knees.
so, I think either scale James down or scale the size of bed up.

2. Glass blocks are nice architectural devices, but to use it in bedroom, I am thinking about privacy issues...


2003-07-21, 02:31 AM

You spotted the intentional error !!:oops:

Bed dimensions now amended to better suit requirements!

The glass blocks are to an ensuite bathroom and dressing room at the back of the apartment with otherwise no natural light, the door is to the left of JB.

Privacy.....the sillhouette of ones partner moving seductiveley behind a gossamer screen, a preview of things to come...........

Abluting..........theres a hell of a view out the other end of the room.....

Cheers MC