View Full Version : Dimensionless Dimension

2007-07-27, 03:05 PM
Thought I would post a quick solution to a problem that seems to affect many Revit users. Many times we need to dimension something with a generic dimension such as "See blah blah" for dimension and not actually give it a number. My solution was to open a font that we never use in our office with a free font editor. I then erased all the number font's contents and saved it and load it back into windows. Then just made a dimension style using this new font and now I have the dimension leaders without the numbers. Put a text box next to it and there you have it.

I feel it is still very revit like because I use it only for text dimensions and do not type in numbers in the text box so it is not fudging the dimension.

FYI :p

We also use it to make textless leaders!!!!!

2007-07-27, 03:17 PM
FYI- This is going to work so long as you never export to ACAD and send to a consultant who doesnt have that Font File. There are a bunch of Blankserif fonts around... But the moment you either:

a. Send the Revit file to someone else
b. Export to AcutoCAD and send it to someone else without eTransmitting, ot whatever to include that font file

All of the dimensions will come back...

2007-07-27, 03:21 PM
What I do is simply make a Dim style that uses a font that's as tiny as can be, something like 1/64" or so. It just puts a dot where the numbers should be, which you can barely see when the drawing is printed. Then when it's exported to DWG there aren't issues.

However, the custom blank font is a novel and insightful way to solve the problem! I wonder what else that idea could be applied to...