View Full Version : coordination and orientation

Vincent Valentijn
2004-08-04, 08:38 AM
I've been reading up on the UCS discussions and this made me wonder once again. I had given up on tackling this problem in Revit but maybe there are some usefull suggestions out there? - problem is.. I have;
- a sitemap of an entire city - about 1500 individual Revit models of houses/appartments
> the models are all linked into the sitemap. Here they are stacked and rotated to true north. > I publish coordinates back to the modelfiles

And then what? What I need is to be able to open a model and get as DATA;
N/S orientation + exact location of a specific point in the model [preferably on the axis that determines my N/S orientation]. For a huge project like this it is a necessaty and I don't want to get into back-and-forth exports to Acad to get a readout according to UCS or WCS.

How do other people handle this problem?
I've read the publishing to Acad / UCS threads but this is not what I'm looking for...

In addition to this.. but this will probably be a longterm wishlist item which is not 'wanted' by enough people to get it anytime soon; I'd also like to be able to tell the orientation and location of individual elements in a model and publish this to data.. for this an object should have it's own orientation and coordinates relative to a 0,0 as properties/parameters.

2004-08-04, 01:15 PM
Do I understand correctly that you have already linked buildings into site and published site coordinates into linked building?

If you have done that then Tools | Locations and Coordinates | Report Shared Coordinates could be used to get true East/West and North/South coordinates of building models points (relative to site coordinates). Aren't you seeing numbers in option Bar or I misunderstood the question?

2004-08-04, 02:43 PM

If we can see the co-ordinates can we not access that information to place in a tag? That would be a great help in answering the other real-world location thread

Wes Macaulay
2004-08-04, 03:14 PM

If we can see the co-ordinates can we not access that information to place in a tag? That would be a great help in answering the other real-world location threadPeter, that is a truly superlative idea. It would work in X and Y just like the spot elevation tag works in Z. It would be able to report shared or project coordinates, too, and when you select it, the easting and northing values hilight so you can enter in coordinates for yourself.

Thanks to twelve years using AutoCAD I would still like to be able to see and modify the ends of walls or lines by their coordinate points (the properties box of a wall/line would show x1,y1 and x2,y2), all of this with respect to the Revit coordinate system.

There's one for the wishlist!

Vincent Valentijn
2004-08-05, 07:00 AM
Do I understand correctly that you have already linked buildings into site and published site coordinates into linked building?

If you have done that then Tools | Locations and Coordinates | Report Shared Coordinates could be used to get true East/West and North/South coordinates of building models points (relative to site coordinates). Aren't you seeing numbers in option Bar or I misunderstood the question?

Well, yes that's true. But what good does it do for me to get a few numbers flashing up in the option Bar? I need this stuff as solid data [btw. Peter's idea for a tag would be a good start, specially if I could schedule the tag-data] - Isn't there any way to register the numbers in the option Bar? [It's too much of a job to do a manual input in excell or something, also that dat wouldn't be fixed to the model and it would be sensitive to type-o's]

should I make this a whishlist item?