View Full Version : jogged wall section not showing callout in view

2007-07-30, 01:54 AM
i have a wall section that i've split and jogged and now in the view it created it doesn't let me show a callout detail.

any ideas out there?

thank you

2007-07-30, 09:52 PM
What I can figure is this is a bug, start a new section split it and now the callout detail view will create but not show in the section. Running Revit build:20070607_1700

Warning: None of the created elements are visible in Section: Section 1 View. You may want to check the active view, its Parameters, and Visibility settings.

This seems similar to what this build was fixing "Some Detail, Plan, or Section Callouts are erroneously hidden in cropped views" it looks as if one was missed. I did see this happen in the earlyer build of 2008.

Any ideas on getting this to show?


2007-07-31, 01:19 PM
No ideas but have ran into this many times as when we do field drawings I tend to use the split section tool quite often. It seems that in some parts of the split section you can sometimes get the callout to show and sometimes not at all. Unless someone else chimes in and tells me otherwise, I would agree that this is a bug. I have the latest build but haven't tried it out yet. I'm curious to see if it is corrected.


2007-07-31, 03:04 PM
This seems to be fixed in the current build, or at least I haven't seen it be a problem yet, but is it possible that the callouts could be hidden at your building section's scale?