View Full Version : Column disappearing!

2007-07-31, 12:51 PM
Overall 1st floor plan has a detail callout of a corner condition at a column.
Overall 2nd floor plan has a similar callout at the same location, just one floor up.

The first floor detail callout works fine.
The second floor callout will not show the column. If we hover over the column, it appears. We currently are using the linework tool to get the column to show. All settings seem to be identical. It is just weird that we can hover and select the column without it showing up.

Any ideas?

2007-07-31, 01:27 PM
I'm sure you've already checked, but it looks like in the detail that is not showing the column you have a diff. detail level, maybe fine for that view, as the other one looks to be medium or course. I was just looking at your window detail compared to the one in the lower view. Could it be that? What about wireframe, floors on, any other element blocking the column??


2007-07-31, 02:38 PM
I would check the actual level of the top of the column and the view range settings for the second floor... but then you probably have already...

(does the column finish within the floor depth?)

2007-07-31, 02:59 PM
Can't think of anything that you probably haven't already tried. Since the column is selectable I would suspect that the "cut" line type has been overridden in the visibility settings. If the column is "hidden in view" or in a workset that has been turned off it shouldn't be selectable. It is strange. Wish I could offer something more definitive.

2007-07-31, 03:14 PM
We had this problem in 9.1, but have not seen it yet in 2008. Try this. Edit the column family and go to Settings>Family Category and Parameters. In the family parameters scroll down to the parameter called "Show family pre-cut in plan view". If you uncheck the box you can see the column being cut at all detail levels. Reload and overwrite parameters.

Hope this helps.


2007-07-31, 08:48 PM
We've tried everything.

CD, we are looking into it as well, although I don't think it will help because both detail views are set to fine level of detail.

I've sent in a support request. I'll keep you posted.

2007-07-31, 09:33 PM
One of the workarounds as far as I can think is to go to the View Properties of the detail callout view and change the Far Clip Settings under the Extents tab to 'Independent'. After this, uncheck the Far Clip Active Check Box. Essentially, you are setting the bottom plane of the Callout view to unlimited. If your column family is set such that it falls in this range, you will be able to see your column now. The other option, I can think of is creating a callout plan instead of a detail view callout. This will create a new callout plan and will retain the same view range as that of the parent view.

Hope this helps,

Srinivas Vemuri

2007-07-31, 09:39 PM
Thanks, tried your suggestions as well. No luck. We didn't want to re-draw the details in a plan callout, but that is looking more and more as the only option.

2007-07-31, 10:43 PM
dude, I JUST had that problem late last week, also on a 2nd floor callout. I can't remember now what it was, lemme see if I can check

*runs to open drawing*


*runs back to tell everyone* :p

Okay I remember now that I had made a Detail callout, and the column did not show up. I finally gave up and just made a Floor Plan callout and it worked fine, column visible as it should be.

So I don't know, maybe a bug with the Detail callout type in plan view?

Dwane Lindsey
2007-08-01, 03:44 AM
It's been a hit and miss situation from everything I've seen...even in 2008. I've ended up telling anyone I consult with or teach to use floor plan callouts until ADESK gets this figured out. It does become a pain to manage, but most projects teams have gotten in the habit of sub-organizing their views by scale. At least this keeps them together in the Browser.

2007-08-01, 01:05 PM
Edit the column family and go to Settings>Family Category and Parameters. In the family parameters scroll down to the parameter called "Show family pre-cut in plan view". If you uncheck the box you can see the column being cut at all detail levels. Reload and overwrite parameters.

This worked! It just seems funny that you have to UNCHECK the Show box to SHOW something!

I've let the big AD know. This should be fixed by sundown. :mrgreen: ;)

2007-08-01, 02:12 PM

Definitely fill out a support request, but we did that when we had this issue in 9.1 and it is still not fixed.

Maybe they are working on site tools? ...hopefully....



2007-08-02, 12:19 PM
Here's what I got from the big A-D:

I have done some research and found that the issue of column display in details was logged with the development team. The development team is currently investigating this issue to address in a future release. The workaround for the issue is, as you have found, to clear the 'Show family pre-cut in plan view' parameter. So no, this is not working as designed, but will need to be used in the meantime until the issue is resolved.

2007-08-02, 03:55 PM
Maybe this is related?

This week I had a similar situation with a client who had two columns in the parkade plan. One column would display, the other wouldn't. We found that:

Both columns had bottom constraint at L0 and top constraint at L1.
The column that displayed correctly had no top offset.
The column that didn't display had a negative top offset.
Changing the top offset to 0 and attaching the top of the column to the floor above solved the display issue.

The client has said they will create a support request.



2011-02-28, 11:31 PM
You were real close!!! It's actually the check box right above 'pre-cut in plan views' The one that says "Automatically joins geometry to walls" The column was coming into contact with a wall ABOVE it, and would join to it, then making it invisible.

2011-03-01, 06:47 PM
Wow, this thread is almost four years old!