View Full Version : Corrupt Annotation Family

2007-07-31, 01:03 PM
We've been having trouble lately with furniture tag and equipment tag families. We can tag a piece of furniture or equipment with the proper tag, but once we try to drag it and move it to a nice place on the sheet, the file gets a fatal error. It happens with equipment tags and furniture tags, but not any other tags. I can toggle between having a leader and not having a leader, but if I try to make it a "free end" instead of "attached end", or drag the tag to another spot, or drag the end of a leader into place, the fatal error comes up. It also won't let me switch to free end before placing the tag either, it just gives me a fatal error as soon as I drop it into place. The only thing we've been able to do is just let the tags fall into place where they want to, but that leaves us with overlapping tags, tags sitting on top of other important info, etc.

I've attached the two families if one of you would like to drop them into a file and see how they work. Thanks in advance for the help.

2007-07-31, 01:15 PM
I was having similar problems only it was with dragging walls & windows. I thought it was some kind of model problem and it turned out it was problems with Open GL and my graphics card? Any chance that is the case with yourself?


2007-07-31, 01:20 PM
I'm having no problems with them here....

2007-07-31, 01:23 PM
Wow, Open GL and graphics cards are over my head. Hardware issues like graphics cards are not my thing. I looked up Open GL on wikipedia and it was all greek to me!

2007-07-31, 01:38 PM
Do you have openGL turned on under settings/graphics? If so, try turning it off and maybe overlay planes on, then run the file and see if that helps the situation. Like I said, I had some similar problems and ended up with about 16 diff. recovery files between a couple of projects. I finally just accepted that my graphics card just wouldn't hang and turned it off. Haven't had a problem since. Although since downloading the new build, I have turned on OpenGL and have had no crashes, so it appears to be working now, with the exception of running my computer longer than a day, if I do that I must restart or every time I right click or hit a menu structure in revit, it seems to freeze for about four seconds or so.


2007-07-31, 02:13 PM
OK, I had OpenGL turned off, and overlay planes turned on. I'll try mixing up those settings to see if things change. Correct me if I'm wrong here, but these settings are a project by project setting right? The settings I apply in "project A" will not change the settings for "project B", correct?

2007-07-31, 02:33 PM
OK, I had OpenGL turned off, and overlay planes turned on. I'll try mixing up those settings to see if things change. Correct me if I'm wrong here, but these settings are a project by project setting right? The settings I apply in "project A" will not change the settings for "project B", correct?
No - should stay set.

2007-07-31, 03:01 PM

I tried tweaking those settings and using different combinations of those two settings. No luck!