View Full Version : Layer States quick update

Tim K
2007-08-01, 03:20 AM
I can use Layer States to save snapshots and restore them manually.

But, what I want to do is similar to the Plot Page Setup - when changing a Setup that affects multiple layouts it asks whether I wish to update all those that use the same Setup.

Is that possible within Layer States.
(Please, someone say "yes" - if not so then I will have to visit the Wish List.)

I am using AutoCAD Civil 3D 2007 and tried to find it in 2006 too.


2007-08-01, 08:28 AM
Take a look at setting up named views, you can set layer states per view.

2007-08-22, 05:58 PM
Your question leaves some open ends. I've assumed you have layer state in drawing A that you want to apply to Drawings B, C, D, in fact any drawing you have.... Yes you can do that, just export the state and open the target file and import it. Of course it has some implications - ie, assumes they have the same reference set, etc.

2007-10-18, 02:46 PM
Would creating a layer filter or a layer group help?
Those you are able to export and import into other dwgs.
You have to keep in mind when you import them in they will overwrite any other existing layer groups/filters already in your dwg. (not sure if/how it affects to the layer states)

I have a pretty detailed write-up on how to do layer filters and groups. If you would like me to post it please tell me. :)

2007-10-18, 04:48 PM
Would creating a layer filter or a layer group help?
Those you are able to export and import into other dwgs.
You have to keep in mind when you import them in they will overwrite any other existing layer groups/filters already in your dwg. (not sure if/how it affects to the layer states)

I have a pretty detailed write-up on how to do layer filters and groups. If you would like me to post it please tell me. :)
Can you still export/import layer filters / groups?

2007-10-18, 09:00 PM
Yes you can Opie :)

I just don't know how that would affect your "layer state" settings.
Would you like me to post the procedure I came up with?

2007-10-18, 09:14 PM
Just incase you read this overnight and need the info, I'll go ahead and post it...

(I'm not one to "yell" via capslock, but I don't want this to get lost in the shuffle)
I wrote this up based on ABS 2007.
Test this out on several test drawings, don't do this to your production dwgs until you are confident in the results.
I do not know what this will do to any layer states that may be in your drawings.
Once you import a filter or group it overwrites any filters/groups that were in your dwgs.

Good luck and feel free to ask me q's.

*Creating a Layer Filter:
Go into layer manager.
Create a new filter name by clicking on the “new property filter” or Alt +P.
A new window will pop-up.
Change the filter name to what you want.
Under the filter definition click in the “name” column.
It will automatically come up w/ an asterisk “*” in the column.
This is a wild card to be used when you want all the layers w/ a particular name to be filtered.
Ex: demo*
Type in the name of the layer you want to filter.
If you have an xref be sure to type in the name you called the xref in your xref manager (the xref name does show up in the layer manager under the Xref tree).
EX: to filter the walls on an xref called APLAN1 you would type in: APLAN1|awall*
(be sure to use the pipe sign “|” between the name of the xref and the layer name contained in that xref)
Hit enter to get to the next line to enter more layers to filter.
If you do not choose a status for the Status, On, Freeze, Lock, Color, etc columns it will control the layers you type in w/o being dependent up on the status.
After you have typed in all the layer names you want to filter hit “Ok” at the bottom.
You will now see the filter show up in the left-hand column.

*Using a Layer Filter:
Go into layer manager.
Click once on the filter name and you will see all the layers that are included in this filter.
Right click on the filter name.
Under “Visibility” you can choose to freeze/unfreeze, turn on/off the layers included in that filter.
If you want to freeze all these layers click on freeze.
You will see the sun icon click on it to change it to the snowflake icon for all those layers.
Hit “Ok” to exit out of layer manager.
You will then be back in your main drawing.
If the view does not automatically update, type in “regen” to regenerate the view.

*Creating Layer Groups:
This is great if you know specifically what layers you want, however, if a layer gets renamed, or an xref gets renamed this group will not automatically find those layers since they will be named different.
Go into layer manager.
Click on the “new group filter” icon.
Type in a descriptive name for the group.
Now click on all used layers (or xref or wherever your layers are that you want to add to the group).
Highlight the layers you want to add to the group.
Hold down the left mouse button and drag them over to the “group filter” you just made and drop them in.

*Using Layer Groups:
Go into layer manager.
Now if you double click on that group filter you will see just those layers.
You can turn on/off, freeze, lock, etc from here by right clicking on the filter name and choosing from the visibility or locking options.

*Saving Layer Filters and Layer Groups:
While you are still in the Layer Manager:
Click on the “save layer filters” icon.
Browse to where you want to save the filters/groups and name it appropriately.
You should probably save these in your Job folder so other users can access and utilize them.
A “.lft” file will be created.

*Loading Layer Filters and Layer Groups Into a Drawing:
To load this filter/group into another drawing: open the drawing, go into layer manager, click on the “load filter groups” icon and select the .lft file you had made.
CAUTION: Loading a “.lft” file will DELETE all other filter/groups in the layer manager for that drawing.