View Full Version : Array not flexing

Taylor A
2003-07-11, 05:17 AM
I have created a false louvre for the out side of a cable end.
Everything is flexing correctly....The louvres even multiply when I change the "Louvre hght". Things go wrong when I change the "Head hght".
I have attached the RFA file if someone felt like a challenge. I've been messing around all afternoon on this.....its now beer time on Friday downunder...and I need several.
Thanks in advance.

2003-07-11, 06:29 AM
Its almost beer time on this side of the Tasman too :D

Havn't had time to look at the array much yet.

These arrays work better with a nested family (the louvre blade ). The width etc of the blade becomes a shared parameter.
Array the blade, using first to last with 2 instances, lock the top instance to the top reference plane, then tie the array number to the louvre number parameter.

Have a look at threads - Parametric Louvres and Parametric Array.

If I get time over the weekend, I'll have a closer look.


2003-07-11, 11:32 AM
Hi Taylor A,
seems like a constrain problem to me.
I had to erase your array and create a new one (though I left your original array parameter), but just because I like to start from zero when arrays are involved.
Anyway, ater a few tries, this is what I did:
1. first of all I aligned and locked the bottom Louvre to the reference plane (I could have also put in a dimension among the ref plane and the louvre bottom and then locked it...)
2. then I "arrayed to last" the louvre and assigned the parameter
3. I then put in a dimension among the top ref plane and the top louvre blade and locked it so the position of that last louvre will follow that top plane...
4. it works... at least it does for me :)

hope I helped you...

Taylor A
2003-07-11, 08:12 PM
Thanks very much beegee and gnl. I'll be arraying and arraying and arraying and arraying etc etc etc........happily.

Taylor A
2003-07-11, 11:38 PM
oops...spoke to soon.
Everything flexes beautifully in the family....BUT when loaded into the project something funny happens. Maybe I'm trying to do to much by having shared parameters with the "louvre angle" etc. JPG attached showing what is happening when loaded into a project.

Taylor A
2003-07-11, 11:40 PM
I should also attached the modified family

2003-07-14, 09:55 AM
Hi Taylor A
I downloaded the family you posted and tried to recreate the probldem you are having but I can' t seem to reproduce it...
it's working fine for me, I changed all the values, including louvre angle, spacing, height, etc tecc
can you send me the exact parameter values you used so I can try and fix the family?


Taylor A
2003-07-15, 05:14 AM
Did you try loading it into a project. Everything works fine for me to, i.e. when I flex it in the family...BUT....when I load it into a project I get the above mentioned fault.

2003-07-15, 01:33 PM
Yes I tried loading into a project and it's working on my Revit.
As I said I tried changing all the parameters and it still works (in the rvt file I mean). Send me those values you are experiencing problems with so I can take a look at them...

...and maybe take a look at the window I posted in the families forum. It does not contain all the parameters for the louvre blades you put in your family, but it's a double nested family and everything seems to work fine. I got the idea from your family actually... just to see if things were working the way they are supposed to... and they do...

have a good one

Taylor A
2003-07-16, 12:35 AM
Horray!!!!!!!!!.......its working. :lol:
I had to try it in a completely new project.......even though I was reloading the new family eachtime something wasn't up dating. Anyway it works.
Thanks for your help everyone.

2003-07-16, 10:04 AM
Glad it does :)
but I had the same problem you had with my window: I had to use it in a new project... if I loaded it inside an existing one (for which I needed it for) the arrays didn't work correctly... sounds like some kind of bug...


Wes Macaulay
2003-07-16, 03:44 PM
Horray!!!!!!!!!.......its working. :lol:
I had to try it in a completely new project.......even though I was reloading the new family eachtime something wasn't up dating. Anyway it works.
Thanks for your help everyone.

Sometimes you have to go through the Project Browser, find the family, delete it, and then reload it. I've had the same problem myself.