View Full Version : Move the whole model?

2007-08-03, 02:31 PM
I'm the structural guy on this project (5 story office building) using Revit Structure 2008. Our client is using AutoCAD. They decided to move the building 1'-7 3/64" to the west. They went through their cad drawings and moved them.

Not knowing how to move the whole Revit model I went ahead and just realigned their linked backgrounds in our drawings. Heck it still lines up just fine. Having exported our dwgs out for their use they noticed that I didn't actually move our model. They are now insistent that we move our model that 1'-7 3/64".

So how do I move the whole model that far? It seems like it could really make a mess out of a project. I'm tempted to just open up the dwgs after export and move them there.

2007-08-03, 02:35 PM
Leave your cad file as you have it, moved that is. Now use Tools menu > Shared Coordinates > Acquire Coordinates. Pick the DWG file. Revit has now adjusted its shared coordinate system to match theirs. When you export to dwg choose the Options button and assign the coordinates to Shared, not Project as you have been using. Now your dwg export should align with theirs and you still haven't "moved" your project :smile:

2007-08-03, 03:38 PM
That did it! Thank you thank you thank you...

So in the future when this happens I should do the exact same thing right?

We link in their backgrounds origin to Origin current view only. Then model up our building. If it moves then do per your directions? See I know I was close! haha...

Steve your great by the way did I say thank you? :)

Leave your cad file as you have it, moved that is. Now use Tools menu > Shared Coordinates > Acquire Coordinates. Pick the DWG file. Revit has now adjusted its shared coordinate system to match theirs. When you export to dwg choose the Options button and assign the coordinates to Shared, not Project as you have been using. Now your dwg export should align with theirs and you still haven't "moved" your project :smile:

2007-08-03, 04:32 PM
So in the future when this happens I should do the exact same thing right?

Yup. You can relocate your Building vertically (elevation-wise) or horizontally at any time during the Project without having to do any extra work. Once nice thing about working in Revit is that while it doesn't have something like a WCS/UCS, they did put into it something that's a lot closer to how buildings in the real world are located, so you can do tricks like this (even if it's a little more complex to manage then simply picking the bottom corner of your building to be the 0,0 in the WCS ala AutoCAD). You might want to read up on Shared Coordinates in general, seeing that as the Structural guy you'll be dealing with it a lot, especially if you get into doing multiple buildings on the same site...

2007-08-03, 05:32 PM
IMHO, you should also look in to some of the limitations of shared coordinates.

Im not sure if it changed in RAC2008, but in 9.1 the following was true:

If i exported a sheet/ view that had a Crop Region, the shared coordinates did not hold for the export. Also, there was an issue with any view whols crop region had been rotated (well duh, there couldnt be any crop regions).

It also played absolute hell with our Ceiling plans, for some reason.

Just some things to consider...

2007-08-03, 06:24 PM
IAlso, there was an issue with any view whols crop region had been rotated (well duh, there couldnt be any crop regions).

It also played absolute hell with our Ceiling plans, for some reason.

You don't mean that you had problems in Revit itself, do you? Just problems with dwgs exported to shared coordinates? Just trying to clarify.

2007-08-03, 07:04 PM
Absolutely. Everything in Revit was perfect. Sorry about the poor explanation.

Everything with Shared Coordinates n Revit was fantastic, until we went to export to DWG for consultants. It was only an issue because we were subdividing a plan in to 75 smaller packages of tenant drawings, and had first thought of using Shared Coordinates to correct a problem with the Site files location.

But, when using SC, we couldnt export the smaller plans with the crop regions. So we bailed on the Shared Coordinates for that project.

They work great inside Revit itself. :)