View Full Version : Partial Wall opening

2007-08-07, 07:28 PM
I'm trying to create an opening in a wall but don't want the opening to go all the way through the wall.

Here's what I have: A 4'-0" conc. thick wall, I need an opening to only go 2'-0" into the wall, I've tried using a void but not luck. I'd like to do this without actually drawing 5 individual walls to create this opening.

All responses appreciated

2007-08-07, 07:49 PM
A void should work. What kind of problems are you having with the void?

2007-08-07, 07:52 PM
Did you use the "cut geometry" command to apply the void to your wall?

2007-08-07, 08:08 PM
I use wall hosted families for this, with a void in the wall hosted family. This is how i make reveals that arent straight with relative ease...

2007-08-07, 08:52 PM
I used the void and then tried to use the void to cut geometry, but got the following error:

This mass has no solid geometry for its void forms to cut. They must be deleted, or solid geometry added and cut.

Then I created a solid form and tried to cut geometry and it would not let me. Then created solid form and added a void form but it only voids the solid form I created not the wall.

2007-08-07, 09:18 PM
It sounds like when you hit the "Create" button, you did not specify that the in-place-family was of the catagory "walls."

Go to the modeling toolbar, and hit Create. Select the "walls" catagory.

Then model your void, and use the cut geo. button to cut it from the wall you would like to cut. It will cut out correctly, i just tried it for you.

2007-08-07, 10:07 PM
Thanks, that was it! learned something new again today!

2009-06-29, 10:33 PM
I'm trying to do a similar thing but with concrete seat wall that is in my project - it was modeled before as a pad. I have attached a photo of what i want it too look like. Since the pad is in the "topography" category (I think) I did the create mass, chose topography for the category, created the void form, then cut geometry. It seems to work, but then when I go to finish the family it tells me the family is not cutting anything. Any ideas?

2009-06-29, 10:37 PM
opps! I forgot to add my picture to the last post!

2009-06-30, 08:20 PM
When I have these situations I do the following:
Main wall is, let's say, 12" total thickness. Recess is, let's say, 10" total thickness. I draw a wall the entire length with the 12" thickness. I then draw a 10" wall(s) with the appropriate heights, widths, and locations WITHIN the 12" wall and align them appropriately ignoring the errors this generates. I then use Cut Geometry: pick the 12" wall, pick the 10" wall. You'll get the recess and the infill as an end result. You can also Join Geometry afterward to get a seemingly seamless wall construction.

This has worked particularly well in situations where I have a 4" brick veneer, air space, insulation, on 12" CMU and I'm using a construction like 4" brick veneer, air space, insulation, on 8" CMU at decorative recesses and I want to see the inside faces of the CMU to appear as a non-broken line of construction.

The image below is a poor example but it's the only thing I could find quickly.

2009-07-01, 08:09 AM
I'm trying to do a similar thing but with concrete seat wall that is in my project - it was modeled before as a pad. I have attached a photo of what i want it too look like. Since the pad is in the "topography" category (I think) I did the create mass, chose topography for the category, created the void form, then cut geometry. It seems to work, but then when I go to finish the family it tells me the family is not cutting anything. Any ideas?

You need to use the cut geometry tool and actually make the cut before you finish the family. Sounds kind of strange I know, but that is how it works.
Best regards,

2009-07-01, 09:14 AM
I have a set of useful wall-cutting families, which you can get here: